So this is September... Photo-A-Day-wise anyway.
This month's photos came easier than last month's, although at the end of the month I did have a little bit of a creative bottleneck (Day 27 specifically, but it spilled over to Day 28 as well).
September's Lego photos (Days 3, 10, 12, 16 and the aforementioned 27) have some of the shots ones I'm proudest of for the whole month (Days 16 and 27 particularly), and as usual they're the most liked photos (in order, Days 12, 3, 16). They also bring the year's total of Lego photos up to 35.
Although I think Day 7 is my absolute favourite... the bright green grass and three slightly sleepy pelicans... gorgeous.
- Day 1: Me, now (I kept trying to think of something clever for this... but in the end, went with what I was wearing)
- Day 2: Father (I've had this statue of one of the Asian deities for a while)
- Day 3: Far away (good old DOF)
- Day 4: In my mailbox
- Day 5: Bright (this was a hard one, but I finally my big glass "diamond" and my LED torch came to the rescue)
- Day 6: Every day (I make this walk every work day)
- Day 7: Natural (the middle pelican gave me the evil eye as I approached)
- Day 8: At night
- Day 9: Something I do most weekends (read the paper and drink Iced Coffee)
- Day 10: Hero (Lego Superheroes... and a Supervillain)
- Day 11: Black + white (or, as I commented on Instagram, "Caution: Floating hipsters in this area)
- Day 12: Together (once again my LED torch came to the rescue and made an average shot pop)
- Day 13: Table
- Day 14: Favourite (my favourite chocolate is Haighs)
- Day 15: First thing I see (this is a little bit of a cheat... it was actually the first thing I saw when I remembered I hadn't taken a photo yet)
- Day 16: Strange (putting this one together was a little time consuming, but fun... zombie popstar, vampire geisha and Frankencheerleader)
- Day 17: In my fridge (oh, look, a Ketchup Dunny in my fridge!)
- Day 18: Price (the sodas at La Cantina Co are very yummy)
- Day 19: Underneath (sitting underneath a tree enjoying my lunch)
- Day 20: Man-made
- Day 21: Sometimes (marshmallows are a sometimes food... and they're only available from Haighs during some of the year)
- Day 22: Up (on the wall at the Bakehouse Theatre)
- Day 23: Before bedtime (laying out my breakfast dishes)
- Day 24: Three things (my three Lunartiks)
- Day 25: Frame (Popeye framed in the City Bridge over the Torrens)
- Day 26: Near (the Burger Theory "Shizzle" Artburger)
- Day 27: Love/hate (the love/hate relationship I have with my body in Lego form)
- Day 28: A good thing (street art in my neighbourhood is a good thing)
- Day 29: Errand (I needed some duct tape)
- Day 30: Me, then (Baby Me seems to have a strong opinion about something)
Current Mood:

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