
photo friday: stencil work

joshua smith's blue girl joshua smith's spray girl
I met stencil artist Joshua Smith completely by accident today...

I went down to Espionage Gallery at lunch because Gary Seaman had some work showing... and I keep promising the go to Espionage but it's never quite worked out right.

And since Espionage is Joshua and Gary's gallery, I ended up spending my whole lunchbreak in there chatting with him about street art and stuff in general really.

It meant I ended up being monumentally late getting back to work, but it was totally worth it!

It's been a bit of an odd week this week...

Work has been equal parts monotonous and annoying... and I spent two days completely reworking someone else's guidelines... and being given less than helpful feedback on some design work that got dropped in my lap.

And between my new iPhone, waiting for various parcels to arrive, getting a bumper package of AussieBum underwear there's been a lot of waiting for things, being excited by the arrival of things... lots of ups and downs.

One final thing... I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance as we speak and I've noticed, more so this season than perhaps in previous ones, that there are numbers that the judges rave about or get very excited about that just make me go "m'eh". And I don't know if it's because the numbers are bad, or because I don't know enough about dance, or just because I'm very particular about what constitutes a good dance routine.

I kinda wish I could get as excited about certain numbers as the judges though, it would probably improve my enjoyment of the show sometimes.

Oh, and it's one month today until Christmas... when did that happen?

Current Mood:

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