I like the fact that my birthday now falls within a few days of the Adelaide Cup public holiday... although sadly it doesn't look like I will end up with my birthday on a public holiday for a while... I thought it might have in the next couple of years, but it looks like the holiday gets moved to the week before...
Anyway, I've enjoyed having the holiday this close to my birthday for the last couple of years... it means Ma and I can go and do different things from our normal weekend adventures.
Although the last three years at least we seem to always end up down by the beach.

While last year was definitely a DVD year, this year seemed to be more of a book year (scarily enough including two books that we bought while we were out for my birthday LAST year!)...
It seemed to be all about sets of books too...
- His Dark Materials Trilogy (the ones that we found for only $6 each late last year)
- Four books from the Alex Rider series (I have the first and last one, but was missing the middle four... and it was two of those that we found in a second hand bookshop last year on my birthday)
- And last but not least... Wicked... which I'm about to start reading...
- Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
- Clerks II
- Kindred: The Embraced
- Sleepy Hollow
- and Oprah's 20th Anniversary Collection
Anyway, after all that we had planned to go and check out another one of the places on the list of 101 Food Secrets... but it turned out not to be open... so we'll have to try another day. Instead we ended up going down to the beach again... it's not quite as bad as it sounds... we've done a "different beach" every year for the last few years, although we always end up at Glenelg at some point... this time though we aimed for Semaphore... which, because it was both a public holiday AND a truly gorgeous day (nice and sunny, not a cloud in the sky) was packed with people... actually because of the weather everywhere we went today was packed... or, because of the public holiday, closed... you just can't win really.
We did a brief wander up and down Semaphore Road and although there were a few interesting looking places (and more than a few interesting looking guys), there wasn't really anywhere that jumped out and screamed "EAT HERE!" at us...
What we decided to do instead was go further along the coastline, swing past this really nice Fish and Chip shop that is right near where Lownee and Ludo used to live, and have fish and chips by the beach... not the healthiest of options, but something that neither of us has done in ages. We took it across the road to the beach and found a park bench to sit on and eat. It was quite nice actually... the fish especially, and I'm not generally a big one for fish.
And just like last year I completely forgot to take a picture of it before we started eating it, and it's a shame, because it looked really nice... but unlike last year there isn't really any point in posting the shot I did end up taking, because it looked a bit mangy by the time I remembered.
So then it was back in the car again, and more driving along the coastline, with various stops so that I could take pictures of things along the way (there might even be a montage in there somewhere)... until we finally ended up in Glenelg...

When Good Skywriters Go Bad...
Actually he was just starting to write "Assured Home Loans"... or at least I assume it was the whole thing, we saw him get as far as "Assured H"...
Still amusing though... childish and puerile, but amusing...
So we parked the car eventually (Glenelg was probably more packed than I've seen it in a very long while... not that I spend much time down there... but still) and wandered over to Baskin Robbins (which has just started showing up around Adelaide in the last few months), I had a Citrus Twist Ice while Ma decided on one that I can't actually see on their website... something cheesecake I think... actually it might have been the Strawberry Cheesecake one, but I thought she said it had lemon in it.
Then it was back here to watch the very questionable Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real which I taped yesterday... although if it hadn't been for the fact that it was narrated by Patrick Stewart I don't think either of us would have bothered...
And that was my day really...
Current Mood:

Happy Birthday!
Thanks... although it's not actually until Wednesday :P
Having your birthday on a public holiday is not that nice, I should know... I was born on the 25th day of December.
It means just friends for coffee but not dinner. Always having dinner with your parents and brother, they are the best I do not complain, but sometimes it is nicer to have someone else around.
That KINDRED DVD: is that the TV series set in San Francisco? I LOVED that show! Very short run here. I'll have to look for the DVDs now!
Yep... that's the one Michael... I have very fond memories of the show too... have to see if it holds up to the real thing...
And the reason that it had such a short run was the actor who played the main vampire died in a motorcycle accident after the first season was finished, so they never went ahead with a second season.
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