
it's my (33rd) birthday

happy birthday to me 2007Happy 33rd Birthday to me!

And Happy 21st Birthday to Jamie Bell... it only seems like yesterday that he was little Billy Elliot... and look at him now... What more could I want on my birthday than hotness with unintentionally exposed underwear...

Big thanks to the Jamie Bell Fan Gallery for the photo!

And of course not forgetting that today is also Steak and Blowjob Day...

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Yani, I hope you have a great day!

Tom said...

Hmmm... I got a "Your request could not be processed" message...

Can't remember what I said the first time now... but something along the lines of Happy Birthday again! Hope you had a great day....

Did you get any steak? :P

Anonymous said...

or a BJ?

Larry said...

OK, I'm not sure whether I'm more excited that it's your birthday or Jamie is now of drinking age here in the States...

Happy Birthday tiger :)

yani said...

Thanks boys!

Don't you hate when that happens Tom... and for the record, no steak...

And sadly no BJ either random anon person...

Plans to get Le Bell drunk there Larry? ;P

The Other Andrew said...

Ack, I'm a day tardy. Happy belated birthday Yanster!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday!!htt