Well, maybe not actually a different colour, but certainly from a different place... this meme comes via
- Have you ever had sex with the opposite sex?
Actually this is kind of a grey area... if you're asking if I've had actual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex, then no... but there was this threesome once... me, a guy friend and a female friend.
- Who is the first person you came out to?
I'm trying to remember if it was actually Ma or not... not intentionally however... I think it might have been.
- Are you out to your parents?
See the above question. Although since I've never met my father, I can't actually be out to him.
- Do you want kids?
No. I like being able to give them back when you're bored with them.
- Do you have more gay friends or straight friends?
Ummm... If I'm counting actual real life met them in the flesh friends, then straight.
- Were you out in school?
Hell no... but was I presumed to be gay, yes.
- Is your best friend the same sex as you?
- If your best friend is the same sex, have you ever kissed them?
On the cheek, yes.
- Have you ever done crystal meth?
Hell no.
- Have you ever been in a sling?
I broke my arm once, dislocated my shoulder three times and had a shoulder reconstruction... so if that's the kind of sling you mean, then yes... otherwise, no.
- Have you ever done a 3-way?
Three of them actually.
- Have you ever dressed in drag?
Not in public no. I was thinking about it at one stage and tried it out with some friends, but it just wasn't working for me.
- Would you ever date a drag queen?
- Are you a top/bottom or truly versatile?
I would have to say truly versatile.
- Have you seen an uncircumcised thingy?
- Have you had sex with someone of a different race?
- Have you ever barebacked?
Unfortunately this is a yes as well. Stupid, but true.
- How many Cher CDs do you own?
I'm ashamed to admit that I own three Cher CDs... although two of them are singles, and from the album that I own.
- Name your first true love?
Actually I don't know that I've had a true love...
- Do you still talk to them?
Since I can't think of anyone that fits the "true love" box, this question really isn't relevant.
- Does size matter?
No, so long as it's not uselessly small or unusably large.
- Biggest turn on?
- Biggest turn off?
- Ever been harassed because you are gay?
- Worst gay stereotype that applies to you?
Hate sports.
- Ever been to a pride rally?
- Would you marry if you could?
Actually, probably not.
- Would you rather be rich and smart or young and beautiful?
Rich and smart, because if you pay your cards right that lasts forever... whereas young and beautiful doesn't... plus, with enough rich and smart you can get as much young and beautiful as you like.
- Do you sculpt your eyebrows?
HELL NO! I abhor that look. The little girly pencil thin eyebrows on boys... urgh.
- Do you trim your body hair?
On occasion.
- Ever had sex with more than one person in a day?
Yes indeedy
- Ever been to an orgy?
Nothing that was officially titled as an orgy, no.
- Have you dated your best friends ex?
Nope. I had a friend date my ex once... but then I also got a little up close and personal with that same friend while he was still dating said ex, although they were on the rocks at the time.
- Would you vote for Hilary Clinton if she ran for president?
I thought she was running for president? And maybe, depending on what she had to say for herself.
- Do you want monogamy in your relationship?
- Do you believe in true love?
No, can't say that I do.
- Do you have any tattoos?
Yup... one ankh, top of my left arm.
- Do you have any piercings?
Yup... top of my left ear. I have at various times had my right ear pierced, and my left nipple, and a second piercing in my left ear under this one... but now I just have the one.
- Would you date a smoker?
No... not if I could completely avoid it (or get them to quit). I hate kissing smokers.
- Do you know anyone who has died from HIV?
While I probably have known people who fit this one, I don't actually know OF anything who has.
- Do you know what Stonewall was?
- Wonder Woman, Xena, or the Halliwell Sisters?
Probably Xena... I never watched Wonder Woman, and the Charmed girls were interesting for the first couple of seasons, then it got silly.
- Strangest place you have had sex?
Sex sex... or just sexual contact sex? I dunno... I guess I'm of the opinion that there really aren't that many strange places you can do it... either that or I've never done it in a REALLY strange place.
- Strangest place you've woken up?
Nowhere really... I seldom go to sleep anywhere that isn't usual... like, you know, my bed.
- Are your best years behind or in front of you?
I'm not sure... since I don't know what's actually ahead of me, I couldn't say for certain... but some of the years behind me sure beat the present.
- Favorite porn movie?
That would be a toss up between Cousins from the 80's (one of the first porn movies I ever owned actually) and Bel Ami's An American in Prague.
- Are you in love now?
- Ever been in love with a straight guy/girl?
Yep, well... it might not have been love, either lust or puppy love... my best friend in school, Pete.
- Did you ever have sex with them?
Yep. For about three years on and off.
- Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Yes indeedy... Maslins...
- Have you ever been to a bath house?
Yup, I even blogged about it.
- Ever had sex in public?
Another yes. Well... in public places... not, you know, with the public standing around and watching.
Current Mood:
Not that I want to be the dirty pornophile, but An American In Prague is probably the best porn movie ever made :)
Oh! Cousins. One of my all time favourites too! I think my favourite scene is the one with the 2 cleaner guys who do the snotty nosed rich kid in the lounge. What a wet ending that one has! Thank you for reminding me of that, as I go off to search thru my collection to view it again "Just to be sure".
Very insightful. wink, wink.
Do it, don't do it, do it, don't do it ... I just can't decide. ;P
Wuss :P
Yani, Yani, Yani.
Honey, you just known that my gay little meme heart couldn't resist getting in on this action.
Have you ever had sex with the opposite sex?
Well, I was once married you know, and I do have a teenage daughter. Yes, yes, I joined other such notable married heterosexuals as Elton John and Peter Allan. Oh, shut up bitches.
Who is the first person you came out to?
That would have been to a guy called Khemmadhamma, who is a member of the Western Buddhist Order. Yeah, I was actually on a Buddhist Retreat when I came out, go figure ...
Are you out to your parents?
Oh yes, hence the reason I have not seen them for nearly three years. Their choice though, not mine. But I'm not the only pick sheep in the family now, as my only other sibling, a sister, has also since come out. Two ultra-conservative upper middle-class Liberal voting Catholics, and they get us. Hysterical!
Do you want kids?
I already have a near 17 year old daughter by the name of Ashley. The best damn fag hag that any Gay Dad could hope for ..
Do you have more gay friends or straight friends?
More straight, actually. Though I am working on it. Hard.
Were you out in school?
Sweetie darling sweetie, I was so far in the closet back in school, I might well have been in Narnia. Unfortunately pour moi, that closet I was hiding in had big old glass doors. So there I was just standing back their like a big ol' oblivious queen ... it seems everyone else already knew.
Is your best friend the same sex as you?
At the moment, suprisingly no. Though that is definately a first for me.
If your best friend is the same sex, have you ever kissed them?
Uhhhh, yes.
Have you ever done crystal meth?
That one's a No. Though only because Crystal was not around back in my drugging and drinking days.
Have you ever been in a sling?
No. Though I have helped out a few young gentleman who have found themselves in that predicament.
Have you ever done a 3-way?
Three-somes, four-somes, five-somes. Jesus, Joseph and a Big Mary, I have done so many sums sweetie I need a goddam calculator ;-)
Have you ever dressed in drag?
No, but I would certainly consider it. The last time I was at the Imperial Hotel watching the drag shows with a good friend, I was lip-synching my little gay heart out with choreographed moves. My friend turned to me and simply said, "Oh for fucks sake just put on a dress and get up there, already".
Would you ever date a drag queen?
Sure, why not. I have already publicly made out with a black drag queen at The Imperial for a few hours (think a young and even more Faaabulous Marcia Hines lookalike). So might as well take it to the next level ...
Are you a top/bottom or truly versatile?
Definately versatile.
Have you seen an uncircumcised thingy?
Thingy. Thingy. lol. Sweetie, I have seen more dick than a Bangkok hooker ...
Have you had sex with someone of a different race?
Whole damn United Nations. The back American Marine, The Maori rugby player, and the blond-haired blue-eyed Berlin boy out here for Mardi Gras being my current top three most memorable.
Have you ever barebacked?
Unfortunately, yes. I know. I know. Very naughty. Bad gay man, bad.These days I play nice and safe.
How many Cher CDs do you own?
I'm not really into CD's these days. Though I do own a Cher music DVD, and currently my favourite MP3 on my Dolce & Gabbana mobile phone is the Cher song Strong Enough.
Name your first true love?
Depends how you define 'love'.
Do you still talk to them?
Some yes, some no.
Does size matter?
Not to small and not too big, I prefer the just right range.
Biggest turn on?
Biggest turn off?
Ever been harassed because you are gay?
In my school years especially, absolutely.
Worst gay stereotype that applies to you?
Just one? Sweetie, I am a walking gay stereotype, m'kay. Take your pick.
Ever been to a pride rally?
Been to and marched in.
Would you marry if you could?
Gay Marriage? If Brad Pitt was to ask me, sure. I already have our rings picked out at Cartier, most other things are negotiable ...
Would you rather be rich and smart or young and beautiful?
I have an addictive personality, so you give me options like these ... and I just want the whole damned lot.
Do you sculpt your eyebrows?
Yes, a little. But not so they look freaky, just so they don't look like two bushy catapillars mating.
Do you trim your body hair?
Sweetie, I have elavated man-scaping to an art-form. M'kay.
Ever had sex with more than one person in a day?
Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaa. Oh, your being serious? What do you think?
Ever been to an orgy?
Depends on how you define the word 'orgy' I guess.
Have you dated your best friends ex?
Nope. But I once had sex with my then Sister-in-laws boyfriend. Does that count for anything?
Would you vote for Hilary Clinton if she ran for president?
Last time I checked, I was not a US citizen. Though I am of the opinion that you don't vote to get the best person in, but to keep the worse person out.
Do you want monogamy in your relationship?
Do you believe in true love?
The hopeless romantic in me would like to think so, but the cyncial queen in me can't help thinking as a favourite character of mine said in the gay movie Totally Fucked Up: 'Love lasts as long as a spurt in the dark'.
Do you have any tattoos?
Five. Three tribals including a lotus, dragon and buddha. And two Kanji (Japanese Calligraphy) with one thats says 'spirit', and another that says 'serenity acceptance courage wisdom'. There is a link to pics of them on my homepage.
Do you have any piercings?
Currently just a diamond stud on my left ear. Though I am currently thinking seriously about having both nipples pierced.
Would you date a smoker?
Preferably not, but I suppose it also depends on how cute he was. I mean, sucking on a fag, oral fixation, it can't all be bad ... right?
Do you know anyone who has died from HIV?
No, though I do know a few people who are HIV+.
Do you know what Stonewall was?
Yeah, I do. Though it also happens to be the name of a great gay-bar in Oxford Street, Sydney. Just so ya know.
Wonder Woman, Xena, or the Halliwell Sisters?
For what, public execution? What kinda question is this for a gay boy, do I look like a damned lesbian? Who the hell cares!
Strangest place you have had sex?
A church, The State Library, on a tomb-stone at a local cemetary, sporting grandstand, train, office stairwell, beach, ad infinitum ...
Strangest place you've woken up?
10 km's outta town in a ditch besides the Pacific Highway. By the state of me, I think I had a good time. And hey, it was a looong time ago (and no, that does not mean last Thursday. Bitches).
Are your best years behind or in front of you?
Behind or in front, hmmm. Ooooh, just take your pick sweetie.
Favorite porn movie?
I don't really watch that much porn these days. It's just as easy to have real gay sex. Tis Sydney, after all.
Are you in love now?
With my Dolce & Gabbana jeans, yes.
Ever been in love with a straight guy/girl?
Well, I thought I was in love with my ex-wife at the time. And the only 'straight' man I fell for ended up being bi, so I suppose that one don't count now, huh.
Did you ever have sex with them?
Yes, in both cases.
Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Does being nude at a beach count?
Have you ever been to a bath house?
Well, there are three back-rooms within easy walking distance of my home here in Newtown. You do the math.
Ever had sex in public?
In a public place, yes.
LOL... You crack me up sometimes Bodhi... you still need your own blog though :P
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