
the everchanging schedule

First it was three days... then when I got in there yesterday it could have been a couple of weeks (and if I'd actually had to do the stuff that they'd originally wanted me to, then yeah, it probably would have been)... turns out if wasn't even a two day job...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Bugger it, that's not fair... you bought new trousers and everything. :(

Sunshine said...

That's gotta be good, right? More work - more $$$$ ...

Btw, I think you and Tom should just get together already. *duck* :P

yani said...

I'm so going to have to come up to Brisbane just to give you such a slap Sunshine... :P

Plus, what part of the conversation did you miss... Less work, less $$$....

And actually Tom, that was one of my own thoughts at one point this afternoon... I don't know what I was doing, but I suddenly though "And for this I bought new pants!"...

Sunshine said...

I can sense it - you guys are so into each other. As Nike says - Just do it!!! ;) *duck again*

PS I'd better be invited to the wedding. *duck even faster* LOL

j said... least you have $$$ to expand your book and dvd collection AND fly to Brisbane to "slap" Sunshine...hehehe ;p

Sunshine said...

Man, all this slapping has got to leave a mark... :P

Tom said...

Whats with all this discussing me all of a sudden?!

Consider yourself thumped Sunshine :P