I got up this morning, opened the door and stuck the fan in the doorway so that it could suck some of the cool morning air into the apartment...
Then Ma arrived, I switched the fan off and we went out and did the Regular Shopping Thing™, then came back here.
I went to stick the fan in the doorway again before unpacking the groceries because the house was a little stuffy, but when I switched it on it didn't go... no dramas, I'd accidentally pulled the cord out of the extension cord when I was moving it, so plugged it back in.
And.... nothing... checked it was switched on... yep... switched it off and then on again and it did start, but really, really, really slowly... turned it down a notch... stopped... turned it up to full speed and it started going, but then developed a nasty whirring noise. I tried various permutations of unplugging it, switching it off, banging it, moving it, rattling it... all with the same result... bubcus...
Oh joy of joy of joys...
On the plus side, it was actually cooler today than it's been all week, so at least that was in my favour, although without some kind of fan it's never easy to get the hot air out of my house and the cool air in.
So off we went to find a new one... first place we went, oops, store hasn't been there in ages and ages... so we ended up going down to West Lakes, since we were headed in that very general direction anyway, see what they had at Kmart... turns out, nothing, all sold out.
We wandered aimlessly around there for a while... saw some very, very nice stainless steel ones in David Jones, but there was no way I was buying a $200 fan, even if it was stainless steel and purdy...
After we ran out of useful places the look down there, we grabbed a Boost Juice (oh, and sidenote, Lean Lemon Squeezy Skinny Smoothy, if you love that sour lemon taste like I do... two trillion kinds of yum!) and headed back to my place to regroup... stopped off at somewhere that looked like it could be promising on the way down... no joy... they actually had the exact same fans (I think), although at slightly better prices.
Then it was off to The Good Guys, which is where we got the last fan, surely they would have something... and they did... almost the exact same range of fans AGAIN... next came a quick stop off in Bunnings, since it was right next door, and, well, you never know. They did have one I thought about for a few minutes, but it wasn't a pedestal fan, it was one of those low to the ground ones that the middle part goes around and around... I'm sure they have a name, but I can't be bothered looking it up...
Next we figured we might as well head back to Target, and see what they had...
So after a stop off at Radio Rentals on the way... again, almost the exact same range of fans, or the stainless steel ones anyway... we headed back for the Target next to the supermarket we were at about five hours earlier...
Yep, you guessed it... $25, pedestal fan...
If only the stupid fan had conked out first thing this morning, we could have saved ourselves all that drama...
Granted this new one seems TINY compared with the previous monster, I can actually hold it up with one finger, whereas I could never have done that with the other one... and the whole thing just seems much more delicate... but the fan blades themselves are only 5cm smaller...
But at least it's a fan... and if it only makes it until next summer, who cares, it was only $25...
So that was my day... how about you?
Current Mood:

I'm a fan and I don't need pluggin' in
at least you got a fan to cool yourself...i felt myself getting roasted in the oven (aka my flat)...
That's pretty good value... A fan's a fan, they're not exactly hi-tech so probably anything more than $25 and you're paying for style over substance! I bought a tiny little 10cm desk fan in BigW about 2 years ago to supplement the decidedly ordinary aircon at work - $10 and it's still going strong. :)
I had that same problem with the last fan I had at the house. Of course I let that one run 24/7 and only turned it off to vaccuum. I think fan motors get fatigued if you do that :)
That was probably what happened to the old one Larry... if it's on, it's on all the time and it only gets switched off when I moved it around the house.
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