
favourite things

these are a few of my favourite things...I lifted this favourite things meme from both Tom and Eddy...

What is your favourite...

  1. Colour? Purple, obviously...

  2. Song? I'm having a big thing for Gwen Stefani's The Sweet Escape right at the moment... Favourite song of all time would probably be If by Janet Jackson though...

  3. Sitcom? I actually realised a few days ago that I really don't watch any sitcoms... or even shows that are billed as just comedies... mostly because they're either crap, or... actually just the whole "crap" reason really. But we'll go with Will & Grace, even though it's over.

  4. Movie? Well, I guess it should be Stranger Than Fiction after the review I gave it... and it is my favourite movie of late... but I'm not really sure I have any one favourite movie overall.

  5. Magazine? It used to be DNA, but I don't really buy magazines at the moment.

  6. Book? See the movie question... I don't really have any one favourite book... lots and lots of favourites, but not just one.

  7. Cuisine? Indian.

  8. Holiday destination? Well, it can't be favourite place I've been, because I've never been anywhere... so, favourite possible destination... either London or San Francisco.

  9. Brand of car? That would still be the Suzuki X-90 (even if Top Gear did dub it "the worst car of all time")

  10. Scent? Sandalwood... and the smell of rain when it's been hot.

  11. Subject at school? Hmmm... can I remember back that far... probably Design in Year 11.

  12. Comic? A toss up between The New Teen Titans from my teenage years, and Elfquest.

  13. Flower? That would have to be the African Iris, Dietes bicolor...

  14. Alcoholic drink? Either Coopers Pale Ale, or, if I'm doing the spirits thing, when maybe a Jellybrain (vodka, lemonade and raspberry)

  15. Talk show? Oprah of course!

  16. Soap opera? Ummmm... I think I'll have to refer back to the Sitcom question... only swapping out the words sitcom and comedy for soap opera. I've watched them in the past, but not now.

  17. Milkshake flavour? I would have to say vanilla... it used to be chocolate, but the morning after a particularly late night years and years and years I had a vanilla milkshake because I couldn't face either chocolate or strawberry, and my love for the vanilla was sealed.

  18. Candy flavour? Either lemon or mint, depending on what kind of candy we're talking about.

  19. Sport? Err... none of the above...

  20. Musical? Either The Producers or The Mikado (mmmm Christophe Broadway)...
Current Mood:

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