The Brat Pack in my building (three very loud, obnoxious and annoying little boys all under about 10) have taken, in the last couple of days, to playing with a shopping trolley that was abandoned in the courtyard of the building possibly sometime in the Mesozoic... okay, not as long as that... but it's been there for quite a while... a few months at least...
And tonight they were just getting on my tits more than usual... okay, that's not true... they pretty much get on my tits 99 out of 100 times they're out there... although I've gotten it to the point where I just need to tap on my window and then signal them to hop it, and they do.... which works better than the screaming I used to do.
Anyway, once it had gone dark and they'd all been whisked away to their respective apartments I figured it was time to actually do something about the damn trolley.
But that would mean pushing it through the streets back to the supermarket... which is the other time that I waited until darkness had fallen.
Damn but trolleys are loud when you're pushing them across uneven and rough ground. And of course it was worse because the footpaths in North Adelaide aren't big pavers or giant concrete slabs... or at least not in my neck of the woods... they're these little pavers, which look nice, but aren't the most even of surfaces.
When faced with a potentially embarrassing scene like that you have several options... you can just basically die of shame while it's happening, you can get defensive and angry, or you can just act like you do this every single day of the week, you're supposed to be doing it, but still not make eye contact with anyone...
I went with option C, since it let me get the job done as painlessly as possible, but I didn't have to explain myself to anyone...
But let me tell you, having to wheel a trolley past at least seven people (including the outside of a pub) and across one major street is not my idea of a fun way to spend an evening...
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1 comment:
We stole a trolley a while back and left it sitting outside our house for months. In the end, our conscience got the better of us and we returned it in a similar fashion as you did - but that wasn't after we had had some fun pushing each other downhill in it. :P
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