Some of these I might actually have said to people's faces, unfortunately they're people I no longer speak to for one reason or another.
List ten things you want to say to 10 people you know, but never will for whatever reason. Don’t say who they are. Use each person only once and only use one sentence.
- I never really liked you or trusted you the entire time I knew you.
- The fact that you decided to have another child, no matter what the circumstances, is possibly one of the most selfish, stupid and self absorbed things you've ever done.
- We used to be best friends, but because of your jealousy and childishness, I pretty much hate you now.
- I don't understand why you started out chasing me, but as soon as I started showing an interest in you, you pulled away and kind of disappeared.
- I wish you'd left him when you had the chance, before he managed to drag you down with him.
- Did you die or are you just hiding again?
- I wish I could have loved you the way you loved me and the way you needed to be loved, but I don't think that would have fixed all our problems.
- I don't believe half of the things you tell me.
- I should have let you fuck me when I had the chance.
- I'm sorry I stopped taking or returning your calls but hearing from you reminded me too much of her and it hurt too much.
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1 comment:
Wow, that's powerful stuff to read. Kind of catharsis by proxy for me, half-way round the world.
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