Which I realised recently is a term I just absorbed without realising it from both Andrew and Michael... so it now joins Homosexualist in the very short list of words/phrases I've stolen from Andrew...
Anyway... Haircut Day...
And like last time I managed to schedule my haircut on a day that was going to be very very warm (although not the 40+ of last time fortunately)... but because I always book in as early in the day as is humanly possible, it wasn't that much of a trauma... it was mostly the stuff I did after I left the salon that made me a little overheated (dropping in to see Stu so that I could drop some things off... and an annoying but mostly uninteresting excursion to the bank).
I did the bus thing again this morning, it's just easier than paying for parking... although with the price of bus tickets going up again since the last time I bought one, that could soon be debatable. The only downside is that it took forever for a bus to come along that would actually stop, but there was nice eye candy at the bus stop (tall, pin striped pants and a fine striped shirt and a bootay like two halves of a cling peach... just a shame about the teeth)... sadly there was also what I can only describe as a hissy queen at the stop as well... all tiny waisted and fitted bootleg flared jeans and pink shirt... him I just wanted to smack... and for no real reason either.
Anyway, I made it into town before Tink (la Hairdressing Faerie), so I ended up just taking up space outside the salon waiting for her... and once she got there I let her go and do her thing downstairs (which mostly consisted of having a fairly strong cup of coffee I think, but she made me one too, so I can't complain) while I got to wait around and say hello to all the other staff members as they rocked up...
And then while she was cutting my hair I regaled not only her, but I think everyone within earshot with a blow by blow account of the last episode of Will & Grace from last night since Tink had missed it.
As far as the actual haircut went, I was having some random indecision... I knew that I wanted something different this time, I just didn't know exactly what... so in the end I just said "shorter than usual" and "textured" as my keywords and let her do her thing. It actually turned out quite good I think... she ended up using the clippers on the sides (which is definitely something she doesn't normally do, having broken me of the habit of using the clippers when she first started cutting my hair), but kind of made a big V at the back of my neck, so the sides are shaved, but the middle part of the V is longer and a little scruffy... same with the top.
Like the image says... "a bold new style... a little snippy snip and I'm a new special man." Well, I don't know about the special bit, but it is definitely new. And actually quite short... but luckily not in a "bootcamp" kind of way like it was when Christie cut it a while back... and fortunately I still have some of the blonde left from last time, so that helps too I think. I think we'll be revisiting this style again next time... as well as doing something with the colour, since it will probably be around my birthday and all...
Current Mood:

Crikey... I just turn up and might as well say "do your worst!". How do you want it? Erm... well, like it is now but shorter? No wonder I have crap hair!
It cracked me up so much that everyone looked old after all those years had passed on Will and Grace but Karen looked EXACTLY the same as before. ROFL. :P
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