The current End of the World continues... the main problem, as with all things since the invention of humans, is people.
People is dumb motherfuckers. It makes me think of that quote from Men in Black:
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."Particularly the people who don't think the rules apply to them. The people who decided to go to the beach today, and seeing a large number of other people there didn't immediately say "hmmm, that's a bad idea, let's not do that". And those people at the supermarket that just don't pay attention to where other people are or where they're going.
If we make it through the next several weeks without me either very pointedly telling people in a shopping centre exactly what they are doing wrong and what they should be doing or just screaming the same information in a much less effective manner, then I should get a fucking medal.
But, let's rewind.
We entered soup season with a bang, I made chicken chowder, the soup I've been thinking about basically since last soup season. It was pretty much perfect with the possible exception of it not necessarily having much spicy kick to it. But then that's not really the point of chowder. It was much better than having to think of what to make multiple times in a week.
This week I'm attempting chicken noodle soup. Because my soul needs it.
DnD got very technological this week. I actually played twice, once on Monday and then with the regular Wednesday night group.
The Monday session was a special one off game that was also a one-on-one session that I quite enjoyed. I will say that the author is way too fond of just doing a straight version of existing pop culture properties with only minimal interpretations. It worked pretty well this time around, but honestly, everyone needs to get over this Witcher/Mandalorian boner they have right now. I'm sure they're good, but when you've seen one "homage", then you pretty much know the shape of the story.
Or I'm possibly just a grumpy old man right now.
Or maybe both.
The Wednesday session was not the total chaos I fully expected it to be. Partially because it was our first attempt at doing the online thing, partially because it was a reduced number of people and not the 6-7 plus DM I was expecting.
And we managed to finish the adventure we started a couple of weeks back. So bonus there.
There should have been a third session on Friday night, but due to circumstances one of our number had to step out of the game, so instead the remaining three played board games online. Thanks to a very quick online search, I found Board Games Arena. Not perfect, some of the games we would have otherwise played were locked behind their "premium" account, but we found a few games that we knew and played the living shit out of one of them.
All the while being in a video chat... so it was definitely a good way to finish off the week.
The site could get to be addictive however.
I also made what might end up being the last Friday night bread for a while. I'd kinda rather make Monday bread to enable me to have soup with bread during the week honestly. And making it just for me isn't the same as making it to share with other people. Much less fulfilling.
I didn't leave the house between around noon on Sunday to around the same time on Friday when I took on the pointless task of checking Coles for toilet roll at Ma's request. Because the people in Coles in the middle of the day on a Friday... most of them were exactly what I was complaining about at the top of this post.
Doubly so because the worst offenders were people in their 60's and above and a woman pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. WTF.
The toilet paper aisle was half taken up with their Easter egg supplies. That possibly says something about the world, but buggered if I know what it is.
What was weird was the lack of any seating at any of the cafes, and also none of the shops seemed to be doing those free food samples. I'm glad, don't get me wrong, but overall it just felt weird.
Today wasn't as fraught, shopping wise. Although again, worst offenders, old people.
There was also another one of those little human moments that just made me feel slightly better. One of the women at the deli counter, who I've seen if not every week, more weeks than not, shared a smile with me as she handed me my purchases. Not sure if it was because I was one of the few people actually standing in the taped areas they'd put on the floor in the last week, or if we were just having a human moment for no reason.
Then when I got to the register I actually thanked the check out girl, because everything about that job has to suck right now. Dealing with people. Dealing with those, hopefully rare, cases when people are trying to buy more stuff than they should. Standing there in latex gloves for hours at a time. All so we can buy our milk and our pasta and our baked beans.
Do me a favour, next time you're served by anyone in a shop, tell them you appreciate them and what they're doing right now. I mean 3000% do that if you know anybody who is a health care professional of any stripe right now. But also thank anybody who provides you with goods or services in exchange for money right now.
We also wore latex gloves to the supermarket today. We absolutely were not the only ones either. A few people even had masks and gloves (some just in masks, which I get but also, you've gone that far, let's just do gloves also, yeah?). Like that's the world right now. Shopping wearing latex gloves. And resisting every single urge in your body to touch your face with said glove.
After that, obviously, we came straight back here. And I unpacked and we did the YubTubs thing, talked crap for a bit and then Ma went home and it wasn't even noon.
Current mood: