The world, she has gone totally crazy insane.
Which has, in turn, simplified my life right now. Which in turn, made ME a little bit crazy insane.
But, rolling the clock back.
Sunday I had a visitor, which was nice. I don't get a lot of visitors in general, I tend to go other places. It was one of the players for the upcoming DnD campaign I'm supposed to be running (we might need to look at online options at some point). And I made a half-loaf of bread to be ready for when he arrived. Because that's what I do now. We did get some character details worked out, which was good.
Tuesday I had contractors come and test my smoke alarm. I stood at the other end of the main room until they left.
Wednesday... crickets. As in the sound of crickets, used to indicate the absence of activity. The comic shop cancelled their event space, hence DnD was cancelled. Then our current Wednesday night DM pulled out on Tuesday night because of reasons, but also it was the smart thing.
The same DM is the guy who hosts Thursday board game night, which was also supposed to be this week. Which obviously didn't happen for the same reasons.
I had the pest control man come and visit on Wednesday (I think, I'll be honest, the entire week really blended together, but because I know what happened Thursday and Friday, I'm sure it was Wednesday). He pointed out all the places that the stupid possums (and possibly rats) are enjoying themselves around the outside of the property. First point, fuck that shit, hopefully the strata actually DO something about it. Second point, part of his advice was to use Deepheat on certain outside features to dissuade the little fuckers. Taken that one under advisement and filed it away.
Thursday I got out of my own head and built Lego. Not perhaps my best Lego photography day, but that wasn't really the point. I also crossed the streams and watched Captain America: The First Avenger while I put together a Lego Batman model.
Friday was the first time I left the house. Since Sunday. Beyond going downstairs and talking to the pest control man. Getting on a bus that only had one other person on it, and only picked up two other people the whole trip, at 10am on a weekday, was super weird.
As was the concept of being out in the world and knowing that I shouldn't touch my face. It's like that "don't think of elephants" thing. As soon as you're told not to do something, it's all you fucking want to do. My face has been 900 different kinds of psychosomatic itchiness basically all week to be honest. Which was fine when I was at home alone, but felt like a transgressive act once I walked out my front door.
I was also (internally) super judgey to the woman who came into the chiro and didn't use the provided hand sanitizer, as well as anybody who sneezed anywhere within my hearing in the street. Yeah, some paranoia kicked in on Friday, not gunna lie.
Once I was done at the chiro, I got straight back on the bus and came home again.
I then washed my hands about 50 times during the course of the day. Mostly because I was making bread for Friday night DnD, which I honestly wasn't sure was going to happen, but I made the bread anyway. Salami, sundried tomato and mozzarella bread, with herbs. And like actual cubes of cheese. T'was good.
We also had a remote player beam in with technology, because the world is... what boys and girls... correct, totally crazy insane. And it worked better than I thought it might. I mean it wasn't the same, but it still worked pretty well. A weird night honestly, but also one we all kinda needed I think.
Today was... honestly, today kind of made me want to punch people in the face.
And we only went to the supermarket.
The hording of things. Or the general shortage of things. I mean, yeah, I know part of that is a lack of deliveries, but no toilet paper, no hand sanitiser, almost no kitchen towel, very little liquid soap, more than average amounts of real soap, no flour, restrictions on pasta and pasta sauce and frozen vegetables and tinned fruit and a ton of other things... including eggs which makes no fucking sense to me because you can't stockpile an egg, unless you're attempting to hatch it perhaps, and if so, you have bigger problems.
I also had a little rant about this dumb "toilet seat sanitiser" they had in place of all the toilet roll, because seriously, just wash your fucking hands afterwards you morons. Unless you're actively rubbing butts with people it's going to do fuck all except separate you from your $4.95. And I realised this woman probably in her 50's was standing off to one side while I had said rant. Which led to a nice little human moment, which was pleasant.
Otherwise much punching of other people was resisted. Especially those who don't seem to understand the concept of social distancing. And that's not just at the supermarket, that's across the board.
*dark mutterings*
And that was basically it. We shopped, we came back here. I unpacked. We looked at random crap on the YouTubes. I investigated Discord. Ma went home. There was no hugging.
Honestly, that's very probably what is going to do my head in before anything else. The no hugging. I hug. I'm a hugger.
That and mostly being in my house. Like more so than usual. Without the going out part to look forward to.
I can't help thinking of the end of the Buffy episode, Lie to Me.
Buffy Summers: Does it ever get easy?There are smart people in the world, right? They'll find a way to fix this soon, right? Lie to me, okay.
Rupert Giles: You mean life?
Buffy Summers: Yeah. Does it get easy?
Rupert Giles: What do you want me to say?
Buffy Summers: Lie to me.
Rupert Giles: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats. And, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies and... everybody lives happily ever after.
Buffy Summers: Liar.
Current mood:

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