Unsurprisingly I feel a little like this year's Fringe very much passed me by. On the upside, everything we saw was excellent. And I didn't really get a sense of missing out on things until the last show we saw.
It could also turn out to be a good thing given everything that's currently going on in the world, that I didn't spend a month rubbing shoulders and elbows with twenty plus groups of strangers.
At least that's what I'm telling myself for right now.
What I will say is that when it came to arranging these four shows in a ranking, I realised that not only were they four very different shows, but they could more or less have gone in any order. And I reorganised them at least two or three times while working on this post.
So this year, the order absolutely doesn't matter... but for the purposes of right now, the order below is the subjective order I finally decided on right before I finally hit the publish button.
- The Bakers
"I loved their chemistry and their clowning and the twists and turns of the story... and a very sweet ending." 5/5
One of the things I love most is having my expectations completely and totally shattered. I had no real idea what I was walking into with this show beyond the basic premise, but it ended up being brilliant.
- The Will To Be
"There is so much lightness and deftness to his performance, and so much specificity." 5/5
The thing I've said to so many people about this show (and in my review) is that the writing was so solid that there wasn't a disconnect between play and Shakespeare, which is incredibly impressive.
- The Tempest - The Handlebards
"I think I may have actually laughed more and harder and longer tonight than last time." 5/5
I do love me some comedy Shakespeare, and both incarnations of The Handlebards are now at the top of that particular list.
- Barbaroi
"I think I can safely say that After Dark did things that I have never seen other circus performers do." 5/5
Although the performer I originally went to Barbaroi to see wasn't there (I didn't mention it in my review because honestly it wasn't relevant and didn't effect my enjoyment), I had an amazing time and this was one of the more impressive circus shows I've seen.

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