
fringe: the bakers

adelaide fringe: the bakers by the latebloomers
I will freely admit that if I hadn't started making my own bread last year, I might not have gravitated to The Bakers by The Latebloomers.

But I did, and I am so very grateful that fate led me to this sweet, funny, moving little show.

The Bakers is about a father (Jonathan Tilley, centre) and his two sons, Jean-Pierre (Oliver Nilsson, right) and Jean-Claude (Sam Dugmore, left)... and as you can guess by the names, they're a family of French breadmakers.

Crazy, miming, slapstick, farcical French breadmakers.

Tilley folds his long and lanky frame into that of an older man as Papa, takes forever to answer the phone, loves his sons and his bread in equal measure but he has a secret.

Dugmore has a fabulous moustache, his Jean-Claude dreams of better ways to do things, and taking petty revenge on his brother.

Nilsson has one of those wonderful, contortable faces going from one extreme to another, his Jean-Pierre bullies his brother and chews very loudly.

I don't want to give away too much about this show... you could say that not very much happens in it, and that's true, but it's all in the details, and the way the trio convey emotions through mime and slapstick and a little French here and there.

But I can say that I loved the show very much... I loved their chemistry and their clowning and the twists and turns of the story... and a very sweet ending. Plus their interactions with the audience (and this is definitely one of those "sit in the front rows at your own risk" shows).

So now The Latebloomers go on that "will definitely see again" list.

yani's rating: 5 imaginary loaves out of 5

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