
photo saturday: skybabies

pink and greypurple lady

whale planechasing tail
So, the end of this week was basically an insanity sandwich. At least relatively speaking.

Firstly, and briefly, the finale of the 12th series of Doctor Who was this week. I haven't particularly commented on either the 11th or 12th series, because, honestly, they've not been particularly inspiring and, on the whole, especially in this most recent series, not that well written overall.

Too many companions, questionable acting choices, stories that feel mostly like a rehash of things that have gone before, and then in the finale, fucking with 57 years of history and continuity in order to... I don't even know, because it certainly didn't have any impact on the finale episode.

So, in the nicest possibly way, Chris Chibnall please leave the show or stop making dumb, pointless choices. And that is definitely the nicest way I could say how I feel about that.

Moving on.

Wednesday was... a shit show. But not necessarily in the worst possible interpretation of that phrase.

To start off with, I ran my first DnD game in maybe nine months, and while the module looked like it should be good, it may have not been the right module for that particular group. Which sometimes happens. I won't say that I didn't enjoy myself, I always do, but it was a little more chaotic than it might otherwise have been.

Follow that up with our Wednesday night group, which is always chaos personified, and more so when there are more than five players, and we had six players. There are certain games where I need to get a little cranky just so people pull their heads in.

There was some interesting roleplay in the session though, which I always appreciate. Even if it almost derailed the entire adventure. But we got there in the end. But it was still that level of chaos again.

Which is incredibly tiring.

Thursday was Haircut Day, so I toddled on up the hill to see Tink. And the result was possibly one of the better hair colours... we went more of an ashy blonde rather than the purple tone, and it came out very nicely.

Then Thursday night was Boardgame Night. And it was quite chill, which was nice. Thankfully the usual source of chaotic energy was absent, and I had a better idea of the game, so I had a good time.

I got home, made the bread dough, then while I was relaxing there was suddenly the sound of water trickling... from I knew not where. Only to discover that weird orange liquid was pouring out of one of the halogen light fixtures in the kitchen. Thankfully it stopped almost as soon as I worked out what was going on, but it was still super weird. So I reported it to the land agent, who said it might be an animal in the roof (that fucking possum again) and we'd keep an eye on it.

Friday there was much tidying of apartment, then baking of bread, then heading out for Friday night DnD. Which wasn't DnD because of DM issues, so instead we just did board games. And it was exactly what we all needed I think.

We also turned a really chill, zen game like Takenoko and really work out some frustrations, as well as getting super Aussie in the process. And there was a moment when I said something "somewhat" inappropriate and we all lost our collective shit and laughed until we cried and had trouble breathing. You know, those moments when things just hit peak funny.

But we all felt better later, so yay.

When I got home at around 1am, I was greeted by a gross orange puddle under the aforementioned light fitting. So whatever was up there, definitely came back for a second go. Buggering fuckery.

And on the Friday before a public holiday, because of course.

So the bucket is firmly in place in the kitchen, and we'll see what happens tonight.

Today was fairly simple overall.

We did the supermarket, came back, futzed around a bit, then headed out to Kmart for some bits and pieces. I picked up a cool denim apron for breadmaking and cooking in general. But mostly for bread, because flour is a bitch.

Then we detoured around to Haighs to make a very early Easter egg purchase, because why the fuck not.

And then we came back here, ordered a pizza and I found some nice British TV shows (Time Team and The Great Pottery Throwdown) on YouTube for Ma while I worked on this post. Once I finish this we're going to head out to this week's Fringe show, and then maybe some dinner.

Current Mood:

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