
photo friday: colours and letters

I'm not the kind of blogger who starts off their posts with that whole metacommentary thing of apologising for the fact that they haven't been posting... I'm generally not a big fan of it on other people's blogs and until the last few months it really wasn't an issue on my blog.

However, I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that I haven't really been posting all that much stuff beyond the obligatory Tuesday Movies, Random Hotness Thursday, Photo Friday and Saturday Shopping...

But there really hasn't been that much going on in my world of late... well, not very much that's especially interesting...

So I guess this is me apologising for apologising for the lack of posts... or possibly apologising for not apologising... or not apologising for apologising... fucked if I know... my head is all over the place just currently...

But let's recap the week that was...

unfinished licker


I had the last of my original series of eight chiro appointments, and I actually felt much, much better this week than I have in a long time. I also made the appointment for my "reassessment" for today (ie Friday, see below) after work.

behind bars


Ma picked me up from work in her shiny (red) new car. Not because we were going to the movies, or for any real reason, she just wanted to a) show off the new car and b) drive it around more.

I also got my Kickstarter reward from the Artisan Dice project... wooden dice! I still have no idea what woods they're made from, but they're very pretty.

blue speckled


I went to the Central Market for lunch and bought the supplies for one of my peasant lunches (bread, salami, cheese, strawberries) plus some chocolate (and a few other bits and pieces).

I also discovered that there is now a Cupcake Truck that drives around selling cupcakes... I was intending to buy one on my way back from the Market, but I ended up on the wrong side of the street.

Then I had the Potato and Leek soup that Ma made and brought down on Tuesday for dinner... very yummy, although next time I might run it through the blender before I heat it up.

tiki god


Yaaaaay food trucks!

Not Burger Theory (they'll be back in the city next week) but a "new kid on the block", La Cantina Co (sadly their actual website doesn't seem to work for some reason).

Banger and I went down to visit their truck (Truck Norris... I know, right!) and try their soft tacos at lunchtime and it turns out that they're pretty damn tasty. I opted for the chicken (smoked chicken with fresh guacamole) and the and pork (with a pineapple salsa).

Personally I preferred the chicken, but I still need to try the beef and vegetarian versions. They were both very tasty though and the service was good (plus the guy doing the serving is quite attractive).

I will definitely be back though!

I also want to try the Raw Thirst truck that was out there with them... mmm smoothies...

green hands


Possibly due to all the wind and rain last night, I didn't sleep overly well... And I woke up seemingly ever hour on the house from around 1am onwards.

I don't know why that is always the case though... if I'm going to wake up like that, I always seem to wake up either right on the hour or within a few minutes thereof. It's very weird.

I also decided that I wouldn't take my pain pills this morning. I've had a really good week with regards to pain in my back/leg and I do know that I need to stop taking the pills given that I've been taking some variation of them since I hurt myself in May.

So whether I've been suffering with a combination of lack of sleep and codine withdrawal, I don't exactly know, but I had a headache for most of the afternoon/evening and I haven't felt especially bright eyed and bushy tailed all day.

Since I had to wait around after work for my chiro appointment, I wandered over to Espionage Gallery to have a look at the exhibition that opened last night.

Unfortunately the exhibition, which is the first one not actually curated by Josh, was a bit of a fizzer. There were a couple of interesting works, but nothing of the usual standard. In fact, the previous exhibition, he didn't have a huge number of people but sold two thirds of the works... this one they had nearly 200 people through the gallery and not a single thing sold.

But I got to hang out and chat with Josh, so that was a nice way to kill time until my appointment.

And then I went to get all reassessed by the chiro...

Overall the news is good... she's impressed with my progress, but because it's such a long standing problem, we're going to do another eight sessions over the next four weeks just to really sort me out.

I'd already decided that I probably wanted to do that, as I've felt like we've made good headway with the lower part of my back, but putting things in the right place has now thrown the top of my spine out of whack, so I'd like a chance to get that settled too.

And now that I've decided that I'm going to kick the painkillers cold turkey, it's a good chance to really see how my body is.

Current Mood:

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