Some rain, lots of cold wind, predominantly grey cloud although there was a little bit of sunshine earlier... and another Saturday that was kinda all over the shop.
In what was very nearly a repeat of last week (although with the players reversed) I headed to the supermarket by myself this morning as it was Ma's turn to drop her car off.
However the mechanic had overslept and unlike last weekend I'm not sure there was anybody she could just leave her keys with... so I lurked around just inside the shopping centre willing Ma to come around the corner of the garage which I could see on the other side of the street.
Took forever...
I also didn't end up getting that much stuff at the supermarket, or at least it felt that way when I was putting it all away later...
And because there didn't seem to be much of a point going too far afield given that we'd have to go and pick Ma's car up at some point we headed back into the city for the second week running, only this time I was doing all the driving.
Turned out to be a reasonably productive trip though... one of the girls at work, Jazz, offered to knit me a scarf, so I went searching high and low for soft scarlet wool, then couldn't make my mind up between getting a ball of scarlet, a ball of lime and a ball of mustard coloured wool or getting a ball of red with these little flecks in and a ball of white with the same little flecks in. While I think the scarlet/lime/mustard one would have been wild, it would also have been much harder to accessorise with appropriately because fewer things would go with it. The red/white/flecks version is going to be cool I think. I'm going to tell her to change swap colours whenever she likes (at the end of a row obviously)... just make random stripes of random thickness... kind of a riff on the Tom Baker Doctor Who scarf (except not quite so long)...
Oh and I saw former Adelaide weatherwoman (is that a word?), movie review and all around personality, Anne Wills in Spotlight. It was weird though, firstly although she is famous for her earrings I don't think I even noticed the earrings she was wearing, and secondly, I had a brief moment where my brain recognised her, but couldn't place the context, so I thought she was somebody I knew for a second and nearly said hello to her... which I'm sure would have been fine, but potentially completely embarrassing!
We went to JB as well as I fell victim to their "Buy 2 get 1 free" sale... well, I bought one, Ma bought one and the free one was one I hear good things about but haven't seen yet. I also finally bit the bullet and asked if they had the last remaining Lonely Planet Six Degrees DVD that I need to complete my collection (Perth), and after much amusing banter with the staff it's now on order and I should hopefully have it in my grubby little hands sometime next week (fingers crossed)... woohoo!
As we left JB Ma wanted to call the mechanic to find out if the car was ready so I was endeavouring to look the number up on my iPhone when they called me (since they seem to have just added Ma's details to my address and phone number)... so that was both weird and handy.
Once we met up back at my place we didn't really know what the hell we wanted to do/where we wanted to go... but since we forgot to take a faulty DVD back to Kmart when we were at West Lakes last week we went with a return visit...
And that was essentially all we did there... wander around, return the DVD and then leave.
We decided to head down the Glenelg to get some lunch at The Orange Spot Bakery (beware, their website has crappy autostart music that can't be turned off... urgh)... and picked a spot down by the ocean to eat our goodies and watch the big grey/green waves crash.
And other than the fact that my steak, bacon and cheese pie was way too salty, it was a nice lunch.
But that was about it really...
Current Mood:

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