
random scallie hotness

I'm dipping into the Hoodie file for today's Random Hotness... but hoodie with a scallie vibe...

And for those of you unaware of the "scallie", it's an English term:
"Scallie or Scally, is originally short for Scallywag, but is now most-often used in the context of a slang term for a hooligan youth subculture, similar to 'chav', but with different origins. It describes mostly young, "dole class" people."
Hence the hat, the hoodies, the underwear and the spraypaint... although I'm sure that the fantasy is better than the reality...

hoodie/scallie hoodie/scallie
Current Mood:


Mind Of Mine said...

Scally porn, is so popular in the Uk!

Pics are hot!

Victor said...

What's the one on the right doing lowering his pants in the bushes; as if I couldn't guess!