
random spartacus hotness

The new series Spartacus: Blood and Sand seems like a perfect candidate for today's Random Hotness, if only because the show's mandate appears to be 50% "Shamelessly rip off the slow motion action from 300" and 50% "Show men with very hot bodies all oiled up and sweaty wearing very small and well packed loincloths"...

It's just a shame the story is pretty much crap...

But I did find myself watching it yesterday partly for the aforementioned well packed loincloths and partly for Jai Courtney who plays the gladiator Varro... although I can't decide whether he's hotter almost naked and oiled or just looking like a normal person...

spartacus - varro jai courtney

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1 comment:

Mind Of Mine said...

I have to say he looks other when he looks all normal.