So very bad...
Although if they don't taste like a mouthful of air soaked in sugar then they may actually be ahead of the game. While I love the Frog Cake in theory, every time I have one I remember why it is that I haven't had one in so long.
I decided against going to Nut House drinks tonight. Partly because the pub chosen by Lucretia was five miles away from work, and only opens at 4pm, and sounded like a big fat waste of time... partly because there were other people from work who got invited along, and while I might be fine working with them, I don't really want to have to socialise with them... and partly because I just didn't want to.
Will I get chastised on Monday? Who cares. All I wanted to do was come home, shut the door and relax.
All in all though it was a reasonably good day... even though I did get slightly shortchanged on the amount of porridge and caramelised banana I got from the organic shop, and the side door into work wasn't working so I had to go around the other side... not major disasters... and the porridge was yummy as always.
And while that wasn't necessarily the high point of my day, it's probably a good place to leave it...
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1 comment:
They look dreadful. Square frogs ... geez, what were they thinking???
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