
pic-a-chur related saturday shopping

my gallery wall
Today has been all about the pic-a-churs.

I woke up this morning with a mild case of heartburn/indigestion from the taco leftovers I fashioned into a rudimentary nachos. Urgh. So it was a couple of Alka-Seltzer and then back to bed for a bit.

When I finally rolled my ass out of bed, I was running a little behind my self-imposed schedule, but I still managed to tidy the kitchen a little, have a shower and get read and out the door just as Ma arrived.

Shopping was the usual wandering around the throwing things in a basket. Then coming back here and throwing it all in the fridge/cupboards.

Our errands today were, as I mentioned, mostly of a picture nature.

We started off with a trip to Frame Connection to get the flamenco dancer I bought for Ma for Christmas framed up properly, and I had a few things I wanted to get done.

They're good people... but then anyone who can mostly keep up with Ma and I is already ahead of the curve.

The first couple of things were simple enough... a matt for the merman print I got with my calendar at Christmas, a new wire for the Alice in Wonderland boys piece... but the last one was the incredible Labyrinth 2 poster from the Sequel show at iam8bit gallery.

That's the one where I lost my mind a little bit. Partially because the exact colour of grey-green I wanted wasn't among the matt colours, but also when I did find what I thought was a great light chartreuse colour, the woman at the frame place thought I was nuts. In part she was right, while it would have worked brilliantly in the top half of the image, I don't think it would have been right for the bottom half. So in the end, I went with a slightly shiny black matt, which sounds even weirder, but the print is so super matt itself that I think it's the only thing that would really have worked.

I'm still not 110% convinced that the green wasn't the right thing... but I think this will be easier to live with in the long run.

Then we took a quick trip to IKEA for some more frames (yeah, I know, but I'm planning on reworking one of the walls in my bedroom slightly and hopefully adding a bunch more stuff... or else I did notice today that the wall in the toilet is big and mostly empty, so that could be interesting) as well as some mostly disappointing lunch.

That was followed by a quick stop at Bunnings for more Command hooks to be able to hang said art on the walls.

And we finished off with a non picture related task... picking up our Easter supplies from Haighs. I'm very glad we didn't leave it for another week, because it was chaotic enough as it was... next week is going to be bedlam. So that really only took as long as it did because of the crowd.

When we got back here, I popped the Danny Elfman poster I grabbed off the wall at breakfast last weekend into one, and the Le Gateau Chocolat poster I snagged on my way back from picking up some lunch, and gave the latter to Ma in exchange for her red frame that I'm going to put the Briefs tea towel into once I work out the best way to put it together.

Current Mood:

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