
random delos hotness

This week's Random Hotness was a last minute substitute...

I've had a completely different set of photos of model Joshua Delos in my Hotness folder for a while now, but when I want a-searching for more details on the 24 year old, New York born model, I happened across these shots by photographer Joseph Bleu.

Delos has one of those weird model faces... taken individually his features are kind of odd... his eyes are too far apart, his lips are overly plump.. but he's one of those guys where his overall look far exceeds the sum of it's parts. And frankly, I think he's spectacularly gorgeous.

I just wish whoever had been art directing this shoot had combined the shorts with the bowtie and vest combo.

joshua delosjoshua delos

joshua delosjoshua delos

 joshua delosjoshua delos

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