

january photo-a-day challengeAnybody who follows me on Twitter or Instagram would have noticed that I've been taking part in FatMumSlim's Photo-a-day Challenge for January.

I've enjoyed it... it forced me to take at least one photo a day, it made me think about how best (within my plans for the day or what I had around the apartment) to exemplify the theme of the day.

And I made sure that I used the same Instagram filter for each shot so they would all match up as a group... which fortunately is one of my favourites anyway.

January Photo-a-Day Challenges
  • Day 1: Me
  • Day 2: Breakfast
  • Day 3: Something I adore (Street Art, obviously)
  • Day 4: Letterbox
  • Day 5: Something I wore
  • Day 6: Makes me smile (getting parcels in the mail)
  • Day 7: Favourite
  • Day 8: My sky
  • Day 9: Daily routine
  • Day 10: Childhood
  • Day 11: Where I sleep
  • Day 12: Close-up
  • Day 13: In my bag
  • Day 14: Something I'm reading (The Order of the Stick)
  • Day 15: Happiness
  • Day 16: Morning
  • Day 17: Water
  • Day 18: Something I bought
  • Day 19: Sweet
  • Day 20: Someone I love
  • Day 21: Reflection
  • Day 22: My shoes
  • Day 23: Something old
  • Day 24: Guilty pleasure (collecting Lego minifigs)
  • Day 25: Something I made (from when I painted)
  • Day 26: Colour
  • Day 27: Lunch
  • Day 28: Light
  • Day 29: Inside my fridge
  • Day 30: Nature
  • Day 31: Me again (circa 1978)
Some were a little harder than others... especially since I don't do portraits (Days 1, 20 and 31)... others have been opportunistic grabs on the way from A to B (Days 8, 16, 21, 28 and 30), others were planned out days in advance (Days 10, 18, 25 and 26).

And I have to say that my favourites are Days 1, 10, 12, 21, 23, 26 and 28. But if you really pushed me it would be a toss up between Days 21 and 28.

The challenge for February is on FatMumSlim's website.

Current Mood:

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