photo friday: green r

green graphical rCan two be classed as a set? This isn't the first street art "R" that I've shot... although I don't like my chances of finding another one...

It's been an odd end to a very long and somewhat odd week... originally I was supposed to head into town for an opening at the 5000 Gallery... but I just couldn't be bothered after being out for the last three nights. Actually, this bit of street art is one that I spotted last night before Josh Earl.

Turns out it was a better plan to stay in... *evil grin*

Although that did throw my whole evening out of kilter a bit.

We were all a bit off kilter at work today... I don't think I actually completed anything after I got back from lunch... there was a bunch of stuff that I needed to do, but I couldn't focus enough to do any of them, so I ended up doing about half of all of them... not great, but hopefully I'll be able to knock them all off fairly easily on Monday.

This Fringe stuff is addictive... the more stuff I see, the more of other stuff I think that it would be nice to be able to see. Although I think there's probably only one more show I might add to the list, and that's only if I can get cheap tickets...

It has been a very long week tho...

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