
ma's presents 2013

ma's presents 2013 - beforema's presents 2013 - after
It's reached that time of the year when I needed to buckle down and wrap Ma's Christmas presents.

And, to be honest, this year it's kind of the first time that Christmas feels really real... yes, I've put the tree up at Ma's place and we've made some Christmas goodies, and I've watched a few Christmas movies, but it all feels a little distant this year. Other things on my mind and all that.

But opening up the giant square Matryoshka bag and pulling everything out of the "Away For Christmas/Birthdays" box in my wardrobe and wrapping things in tissue paper and rummaging through the bag of ribbon we recycle from year to year looking for a piece that will go around the present in question has put me in a somewhat better frame of mind and actually made it feel like Christmas a little bit more.

To be honest, Ma and I have been suffering from the same problem for a while now... neither of us really NEEDS anything at Christmas time, so the presents mostly end up being a little bit of this and that and a few returning standards (like the calendar and the nougat)...
  • Maxwell Williams Kris Kringle stackable snowman mugs
  • Nanoblock Snowman
  • Wind-up hopping Snowman
  • Snowman gift tag
  • Quartet DVD
  • Doctor Who Series 7 (Part 2) box set
  • Doctor Who vinyl toy
  • Eastern 2014 calendar (and USB with iPhone wallpapers)
  • Red resin seahorse brooch
  • Wooden fox brooch
  • Harajuku Lovers Wicked Style perfume (Music, Lil Angel and G)
  • Cherry Cranberry Pistachio Nougat
Sadly I think this may be the last year of the Matryoshka bag as it's developing a rip along one of the fold lines. Although it hasn't had too bad a run since I've used it for the last three Christmases, as well as the original usage for her birthday in 2009.

Current Mood:


Sunshine said...

You wrap so beautifully!

yani said...

Actually I present gifts beautifully... but the wrapping itself is a bit dodge, lol... it's all just wrapped in tissue paper and held together with ribbon.

But thank you :)