
having a very cardboard saturday

Okay, now the fact that I'm moving house in nine days has really hit me... mostly because my apartment is half full of cardboard...

Plus the fact that my fridge is cleared of all the usual magnetic detritus, the painting over my teevee is gone... and there's a giant roll of bubble wrap leaning up against the bookcases.

Oh, and I'm now officially freaking out just a tiny bit.

This morning was a bit of an early start... not that I needed to get up that much earlier, but given the fact that the moving company was supposed to be delivering my packing supplies at some stage between 7am and 5pm, I figured it was a good idea to be organised nice and early.

I did ask that they give me a call half an hour before though, so it wasn't like it was going to be a complete surprise.

When Ma arrived she brought some other boxes with her for the stuff I'm not going to get the professionals to move (there's just a bunch of stuff that I'd rather be responsible for, or that won't fit nicely into the official moving boxes) and after she brought it all in we headed off to the supermarket.

I didn't end up buying all that much stuff, and I think I'm probably going to run out of groceries part way through the week, which is fine, plus I need to go through the fridge and throw away anything I don't want anymore...

We'd finished up the grocery shopping, had a quick look in Target at their very meagre Christmas leftovers and as we were headed across the street when the moving company called me to tell me that the guy would be dropping stuff off in about half an hour so we headed back here.

Which would have been perfect if he hadn't shown up over an hour later. But on the up side at least we were here and now I have a metric ton of boxes.

Given that it was still only 10am by the time the box guy left we decided to head down to Arndale and see a movie since we didn't go on Christmas Eve due to, you know, Christmas Eveness. The movie wasn't until noon, so we had a bit of a wander around Arndale first, had a quick look at the Christmas detritus in Big W, grabbed a gigantic roll of bubble wrap from one of the cheap shops and stopped off for a beverage before wandering along to the movies.

Afterwards we headed back here, went down the street to grab a late lunch and then loaded up the car with some of the things that are destined to be donated to charity. I wanted to show Ma the apartment, since all she's seen so far is photos, although since I don't have the keys we could only look at the outside.

It's going to be different as far as Ma coming to visit, if only because there are only a couple of parks out the front and there's a lot of three hour parking zones, but fortunately they're only from 9am to 5:30pm, but we'll work something out.

We had a bit of a poke around the block, and other than one guy sitting on his balcony at the front when we got there I neither saw nor heard anybody the whole time we were there. So that will be a very nice change from my current apartment block. Then, once we were finished investigating, we jumped back in the car and Ma dropped me back off here.

I'm not completely sure whether or not I'll start packing boxes tonight... if not I'm pretty sure that will be what happens for a reasonable chunk of tomorrow... and the day after that, and the day after that. So New Years is going to be essentially me surrounded by boxes, but at least the weather is going to be better for packing over the next few days.

Current Mood:

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