The artist in question is James Cochran aka Jimmy C... and while I've seen some his "New York" style work before, this is the first time I've ever seen this kind of spray can pointillism work from him, or frankly, anyone.
And I love it!
It's beautiful when you get up close because you can see each of the individual circles of colour, complete with their associated drips, but when you stand back it turns into this beautiful portrait.
Kudos to you Mr Jimmy C!
Anyway... it's been something of an odd day... some strange connections...
As I tweeted earlier, an off-the-cuff conversation with a young gentleman on Grindr led both directly and indirectly to me wandering around the underwear department of David Jones and discovering that they were selling off last season's 2xist underwear at about half-price... and they had some in my size... score!
Well... I'm guessing they're going to be my size... sometimes I think they just make up those size ranges on underwear...
After work I had a haircut scheduled at 5pm, so I had an hour to wander around... first up I headed down to photograph some new street art I found out about during the week, then wandered down the Mall to Borders to kill some time.
There's definitely something very sad about wandering around in any of the Borders stores that are scheduled to close... the books are starting to look very sparse on the shelves, and some shelves are completely empty... and everything is 30% off. It really feels like Borders has been there forever, but I actually remember back when that store was a Sportsgirl (at least I'm pretty sure it was the same store).
I'm showing my age again now...
I swear that if one day Tink decided to just cut random chunks out of my hair or give me an actual mohawk or shave my head or something, I wouldn't actually notice her doing it. Other than bits of hair falling in my face while we were chatting, I don't have any active memories of the actual process of her cutting my hair. Very strange... but that happens when you have somebody cut your hair for more than six years.
And I swear that the dude sitting in the seat next to me is the exact same dude who was sitting next to me (or possible at the other end of the row) last time I had my hair cut... if not, he was very, very similar.
Then (after a quick stop off at Haighs) I dragged myself home to make quiche and watch the new season of So You Think You Can Dance....
Current Mood:

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