
photo friday: good friday

windmill nestThe Windmill Nest in Sydney's Millers Point seemed appropriate for the Good Friday edition of Photo Friday...

It's also apt because I'm currently having a little bit of Sydney/Melbourne withdrawal (the former rather than the latter though)...

So far my Super Duper Long Weekend has been fairly uneventful... which is exactly the way I'd like it to continue... I slept in for two extra hours this morning (which still meant that I woke up at 7am) then lay in bed for another hour playing around on my phone.

My plan for the day was to tidy the house up this morning and then commence the Easter Moviefest. Which I did... I sorted out a bunch of stuff I hadn't gotten around to, made the place as presentable as possible without actually scrubbing or mopping anything, had a shower and got into my "most comfy and least likely to leave the house" outfit.

I really do need this break though... and need to just totally recharge my batteries. I'm feeling kinda burnt out by work (which I think is some of where the travel-lust comes in), not because it's been particularly stressful, but I'm just not concentrating properly which means I'm making stupid mistakes... stupider than normal anyway.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go make some dinner...

Current Mood:

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