
blythe street

heart of radelaide
samurai vs dragon known space door

dragon tailAs of Monday I've now been down Blythe Street in the city three times looking at street art... it probably would only have been twice but the day after Ma and I went to look down there I discovered that some new art had gone up, so I had to go back on Monday to take more photos.

Interestingly, even though the Benzo style tiki in the corner of one of the shots isn't actually Benzo... it's Store, in homage to Benzo... which is kind of amazing because I'm not sure I could pick the difference.

This week has been all about sugar, I swear... well, sugar and just food in general. As I mentioned on Monday we had both a birthday celebration and a pre-Easter celebration on Monday... today we had birthday donuts and went out to Saldechin for Rockchick's birthday... and I'm sure there's going to be chocolate of varying descriptions tomorrow.

In fact I know there will be because I bought a pack of Cadbury eggs to distribute on people's desks tomorrow morning...

But it also means I think I've been suffering from a combination of sugar highs and the associated post sugar crashes all week.

It's also possibly why I can't really string a coherent sentence together in my head at the moment...

Current Mood:

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