Who knew that pornstars had their own personal blogs? Okay, to be honest, I did... but this is the first one I've actually bothered to read (partly because it didn't look like a marketing department exercise, and it took me longer than normal to work out that he WAS a pornstar).
His Notthatboy blog is actually pretty amusing, and he gives an interesting insight into what it's like to be an emerging pornstar (with an emerging pornstar boyfriend to boot), and as an added bonus, it has pics of him in his underwear (see above right).
I found his blog by accident, going from here, thru one of my links, to one of their links, etc, until I found myself at Hunter's blog. Ya gotta love the internet for that reason alone. Adelaide, Australia to NYC Pornstar in about four clicks.
So here's to Hunter James. Pornstar. Model. Debbie Harry fan. New Yorker. Hottie. And here's to his uncensored "naughty" pics on BigMuscle.com.
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