
movies: king arthur

king arthurSince there was nothing on at the movies that we hadn't already seen and the weather was fit for neither man nor beast, Ma and I decided to hit the video store when she came down tonight.

Usually this is a looooooong drawn out process, since we've generally seen everything we wanted to see, and the stuff we haven't seen, one of us really was never fussed on in the first place (anything in the horror genre for her, anything in the overly chick genre for me).

This time it was remarkably painless though, since we both spotted something, and neither fitted in the genres mentioned above.

I grabbed Gladiatress, and she found King Arthur. Its always nice to borrow inside a similar theme too... *grin*.

Although I'd heard that KA was kinda crap, I figured, well, I've listened to people say that about other movies, and quite enjoyed them... and I had wanted to see it when it was in the cinema, so, what the hell.

While it wasn't as bad as say, Phantom of the Opera (a movie I loathed with every fibre of my being, and my benchmark for how much a movie sucks), Arthur did have some serious flaws.

Beyond the massive overacting by a number of the cast (Stellan Skarsgård, I'm looking at you!)... the thing that really threw me and kept dragging me out of the moment was the appallingly, appallingly bad lighting design... I mean, c'mon guys, there's green light all over the place, with nothing that seems to be capable of producing green light... I think part of it was something they did to the negative, which made everything green... did they think they were making The Matrix?

And don't even get me started on lighting continuity.... I even added a goof at, although I can't believe nobody else spotted it.

Hopefully Gladiatress is a hell of a lot better... or at least intentionally amusing.

yani's rating: -1 Celtic Excalibur out of 5

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