And then one of them says something about "but not religion"... and I'm thinking, hang on, there's no way they'd be allowed to get away with that... and then suddenly they're talking about how "awesome" Jesus is or some crap.
Arrgggghhhhh.... Stealth Jesus!
I'd been enjoying the ad too... they were saying some interesting things... a couple of the boys were cute... and then they go and do an S.J. on me.
And because I was kind of hoping that some of the text from the ad would be on their website and I could lift it, I checked them out... and it turns out that this "All About Life" group is made up of the heads of no less than 11 churches, covering pretty much all the variations of the Christian church in Adelaide, and banding together to "present the message of Jesus".
I mean... c'mon... you want to go to the church thing, go right ahead... but I don't want religion of any kind shoved down my throat... if you aren't attracting young people to the church, do you think there might be other reasons behind that that an incredibly slick television commercial isn't going to solve.
I don't especially want or need to see a blatently subversive ad thrust at me during prime "youth" viewing times, thanks anyway. And I do think its subversive... give me the good old days when the religious ads had the "Christian Television Association" text at the bottom right from the beginning, at least then you could automatically turn off, you didn't get sucked into being interested, only to feel vaguely dirty when you realised what was going on.
Shame on you, All About Life... shame on you.
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