
playschool hotness

teo - playschool hotnessIts just wrong when you're flicking through the channels and see a really hot guy and then realise he's on Playschool... and be compelled to watch the rest of the episode, albeit with the sound down so you don't have to listen to whatever it is they're going on about... just so you can watch the hotness.

And Teo Gebert is a whole world of hot... I mean, look at that face... of course, I wasn't helped by the fact he was wearing a pink teeshirt (I'm having a tiny fetish for that at the moment... its very hot), and a pair of very hot "tribal graffiti" jeans... plus the fact I caught the barest glimpse of the band of his dark blue underwear while he was doing some song with actions...

Was it somebody's idea to get a hot Playschool presenter for all the young single mothers?

All I know is, I really need to go back to work... when you're reduced to finding hotties on Playschool, its time to find employment again...

Current Mood: aroused but disturbed

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