
camera club judges...

my entriesTo quote Bender, they can "bite my shiney metal ass"!

Grrrr... it would be nice to get one who a) still had his own hair and teeth, and b) wasn't suffering from an apparent loss of 35% of his brain.

I mean, c'mon... two 7's, three 5's, and for the love of pete, a FOUR!

It wasn't helped by the fact that tonight's judge was making comments like "I like this, good lines, good detail, blah blah blah" (okay, I made that last one up) and then giving the shot a 4 or a 5. All I ask for is the occasional 8, a judge that knows his ass from a hole in the ground, and some consistency between comments and scores. Is that too much to ask?

*going to drink caffeine based products and possibly scream into a cushion*

Current Mood: super cranky

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