
photo saturday: birthday week

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rocks market bikepellegrinis bar
First things first... I almost went back to used the strikethrough function on my little rant from last week... not that I regret saying any of it, it I did I would have gone back and deleted it... it's more just that having said it calmed me down, as did conversations I had on Monday and Wednesday.

Also, in case you weren't paying attention, this was my birthday week... technically it still is, until tomorrow anyway.

Monday was a mostly regular DnD night... except Monday was also a public holiday, so I was able to go in a little earlier and do some set up for a somewhat complicated adventure. Which went off pretty well I think. It didn't feel as deadly as when I played it originally, but I think that was a combination of me wanting to keep to time, the fact that I had 6 players instead of 4 and some of them were higher level than we were I think.

Anyway, it went well... and I had a chat with one of my friends afterwards, cleared a lot of the crap out of my head, got home at about 3am give or take.

Wednesday was supposed to be a follow up to the previous week's adventure followed by our regular Wednesday night game. Neither of these things happened.

The day game didn't happen on account of no DM... I say it didn't happen... the adventure that was supposed to happen didn't happen... I ended up running instead. And running a module I've never read, played or even seen before. That was a thing that happened. Actually it all went pretty damn well... the end maybe went quite a bit off book, but it was the most complicated part of the module, so I'm not hugely surprised.

And everybody had a good time and nobody died, so that was good.

Our evening DM also flaked on us and also for unspecified reasons (at least unspecified to me), but thankfully the hubby of one of our players offered to run (and we play at their place, so not really a major issue, beyond the fact I wanted to play the regular game). I'm marginally pissed at our regular DM who has been known to complain about people not letting him know they can't make a game until the last minute, while at the same time he's either decided he doesn't want to run at what seems like the last minute (this is actually the first time he just hasn't even been around to be honest, so fuck knows why).

Also one of my Wednesday day friends who I played alongside for a lot of Barovia gave me a present after the game... a pin for both of the characters I ended up playing (first the necromancer, then the paladin after she died... actually two loops of that to be honest, because Barovia) and she said some very sweet things that definitely helped to lift the gloom of last week.

In fact the universe seemed to go out of it's way this week to send me people who were telling me the opposite of the information I got last week... or at the very least to say that while it might be true that I'm A Lot, they're okay with that.

Thank you universe.

Thursday was my actual birthday... the day was kind of nothing really, not the worst thing in the world, but the evening was better, even if dinner ended up being a big fat nothing (my own fault, we should have gone to Burger Theory). And I will also say that while we've mostly done well to avoid annoying people during Fringe shows, we hit the motherload at one of the shows. Not only where they a large group who was overly noisy in the queue, they were also way too talkative during the show, which is my number one pet peeve. Doubly so because the ones sitting next to me had clearly never seen anyone do anything ever, because every single part of every circus trick had them reacting like the performers were diving head first into a bucked of paint thinner and barbed wire.

However the universe also sent the performers from the first show across my path when we were on our way back to the car from the second show so that I could invoke Rule 3 from my list of Fringe guidelines and babble at them briefly about how good the show was.

Friday I found out I have a rental inspection the week after next (which is better than next week like it felt like the last two were), and again it's between 10am and noon, which is better than 10am to 2pm. I knew it was coming, since it's around this time of year, but also some dufus is coming to check the smoke alarms next week. On the same day in fact as I've organised someone to come and hook me up to the NBN... I didn't so much keep putting it off as just not thinking about it, but supposedly I need to do it before they cut off the old services. Hopefully it will be simple enough.

And Friday was also Chiro Day... not really much to report, my back was mostly okay, so no real drama there.

Today Ma was having her hair did in the morning, so I did the shopping thing on my own, and as often seems to be the case, she messaged me to say she was on her way down while I was still in the fruit and veg section, but it never takes me as long to shop on my own, so I was done, back and I think totally unpacked by the time she showed up.

We had our last Fringe show at 5:30, and nothing much else we wanted to do, so instead of just wandering around trying to fill in time, we went down to Marion and went to the movies. Afterwards we picked up something Ma wanted for her house, came back here for a bit and then headed into town.

For the first (and last) time this Fringe, we just made the line happen behind us... instead of waiting for people to take first spot and slotting in behind them. Although I will say that I'm kind of annoyed that there's now a new thing where Bank SA customers can just jump the queue... which is some bullshit, and yet another reason why I should just make a Bank SA account, leave $10 in there year round and use it to get access to Fringe stuff. Because I know they're a Fringe sponsor and everything, but that is some straight up crap. Especially since I paid to be a Fringe member, so what's the point of that (beyond cheaper tickets) if I can't use it to push in line?


After the show we went down Rundle Street to get food... possibly a mistake, or possibly just a mistake to not go around the corner to Burger Theory, just because the street was closed off and they'd put tables out on the road and everywhere was stupidly full. Everything was a bit crowded, noisy and I'll say that we've had better food from the place we ended up, it may have just been because they were serving more people than usual.

So not the most exciting birthday week on record, but people made it clear to me that they care including a number who messaged me on my birthday, so that's the main thing.

Current Mood:

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