Quite a lot happened this week. I mean probably not in the grand scheme of things... but it felt like a lot.
There was, however, less DnD than usual this week. Monday was good, some of my regulars aren't around, so I had a few other friends and randoms fill out my table, and it wasn't a bad mix. To some degree that is the problem with only running for predominantly the same group... you don't get to include new players. Of course, on the flip side, that's also WHY I run for mostly the same group.
Wednesday was just a single game during the day... not a bad game either, although not the best module in the world. But we had a good time.
Wednesday night, have I mentioned that sometimes I don't really like my friends that much? Out of 6 people, including the DM, 3 of them pulled out, which technically meant we wouldn't have a "legal" game... we could have got a ringer, but to be honest as much as I would have enjoyed basically roleplaying with the other guy for four hours, I just couldn't see the fucking point. So I pulled the pin.
Then Thursday there weren't any games that looked interesting to me, so I didn't bother.
Kinda disappointing, but it is what it is.
Otherwise, I had Haircut Day on Tuesday. Pretty standard all things considered... and nothing unusual on the hair front... but we have settled on a colour that's a little less purpley and more silver, which is good.
Then Thursday was really the day where everything happened.
I had a guy coming over to test the smoke detectors, the technician from the NBN coming to make sure I could connect to said National Broadband Network. And I was still waiting for the delivery of my new modem. So what felt like a full day of appointments.
The NBN guy showed up at like 8:30 (not bad with a range of 8am to noon), and honestly it was basically a five minute job of plug in piece of hardware, wait 3 minutes til all the required lights went the required colour and that was it.
Of course because I didn't have all of the hardware (plus the message from my ISP saying everything was ready to go) I put everything back the way it was after he left.
The smoke detector guy was likewise in and out in about 5 minutes, although he does make a lot more noise, having to set the smoke alarms off.
Then the delivery guy turned up at about 12:30... so not bad timing-wise.
I did have to go out on an errand that afternoon... which was... let's just call it a waste of everyone's time and leave it at that shall we.
On Friday I finally got the message that my NBN connection was ready... and I will say that the set up process was pretty damn easy. Plug A into the wall, then plug B into A. The only problem is one of placement and logistics... I don't have a phone socket and a power point within easy reach of each other, at least not that I wouldn't have needed to run an extension cord across the floor (hence why I have my modem in the bedroom with a phone cord going around the doorframe)... so in the end I just used the existing cord. The NBN guy said that would okay... or at least not horrifically bad.
Especially as longer cords of the type provided with the NBN box don't actually seem to exist, which is just peachy. Surely I can't be the only person with a similar issue... so why the hell aren't there cords like that on the market?
That was my week. And next week I have a rental inspection, so that's most of my Sunday and Monday gone (and a couple of hours of my Tuesday when I clear out of the house for the inspection). It shouldn't be too traumatic though.
Today wasn't much of anything. The usual supermarket adventures, followed directly by a visit to Haighs, and then a decision to shelf going to the Lego Movie 2 until next week... so instead we decided to head into the city.
I needed to deposit some coins at the bank, I also wanted to trade in a couple of old Playstation games which I've never really played and were just taking up space (I really need to go through the rest of the games to be honest) and just have a look and see if I could spot the kind of "phone" cord I need.
I had the usual issue with the coin machine at the bank... I got all my coins in there and then for seemingly no reason whatsoever it just went "nup" and vomited them all back at me. Rude.
The trade-in went without a hitch, but I couldn't see the cord anywhere (as I said before, I'm betting they don't exist yet... c'mon people, get on that shit).
And that was really about it to be honest.
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