
photo saturday: go fly one


red geishacolour wing
I'm half tempted to file this week under "What the fuck even was this week?" and move on.

I mean, what the fuck even is anything right now... but also this week.

On a mostly unrelated note, my colour printer takes two different kinds of black ink... a big cartridge and a smaller cartridge. And often times I print exclusively in black and white. However, there are certain documents that even when I tell them to print in black and white, use the coloured inks to make black and grey. I mean not exclusively, but what the actual fuck. It makes no goddamn sense.

Also, the cost of printer ink... go fuck yourself printer companies. You suck.

This week's DnD was... atypical to a degree. I didn't run on Monday, one of my regular players took the wheel and gave me a week off. And it was good, don't get me wrong, he's a decent DM... this is only the second break I've taken since about May last year if memory serves. But I'm not completely sure how I feel about it.

Is it at all evident that I might every so slightly be in a mood currently?

Anyway... Wednesday was Double Game Day... although the adventure we played during the day was... it was crap, not going to lie. Good DM, nobody super annoying at the table (well kinda, but not really), but it was one of the new season adventures which are essentially all badly written. Or at least they are narratively unsatisfying from a player perspective. Yeah, sure, go back in time where nothing you do matters and find out some random information, which doesn't really matter, be unable to stop an event because the bad guy is entirely too high a level for the party level so you have to let them go before they wipe everyone. And then return to the present with no clearer idea of what the fuck just happened than you did when you started.

Yeah, fuck Season 8.

Then in the evening game I convinced a beholder to join a circus, told my drow nemesis that I would see her bleeding in the dirt before this was all over, made a little headway in matchmaking between our male elf ranger and the friendly male NPC drow ranger who keeps showing up, and then we got our collective asses handed to us by a legendary fiendish ooze.

Also there was a kitten. An actual kitten, not an in game kitten. And it's a ragdoll cat and it's so soft and cuddly and adorable.

There was no game on Thursday... I mean there were games, but none that I gave a fuck about.

Interestingly (absolutely not the correct word, but let's go with it), I was told by someone I trust on Thursday that Certain People™ may have an issue with the way I play DnD. Not the way I DM it seems, but the way I play. And while I don't know who the Certain People™ are, I can make a fairly educated guess.

And to those people can I say a heartfelt Fuck You™. Firstly, I can, on occasion, be loud. We know this. This also isn't something that is going to change. It hasn't changed in almost 45 years, not gunna change for you Boo-Boo. Secondly, I come to play Dungeons and Dragons. I don't come to fuck around, or to play a character that annoys everyone or does dumb stuff for no reason, or to make the comedy. I come to roleplay and have a good time. Sometimes this means I take charge, especially if other people aren't stepping up. So if my idea of a good time and your idea of a good time don't match up Boo-Boo, don't let the imaginary door hit you in the imaginary ass on the way outta imaginary town.

Also, you don't want to play on the same table as me... excellent, I don't especially want you with 100 miles of me either. But also if that's how you feel don't ever sit your ass down at my table for me to DM for you.

Yes, this is all Way Harsh Tai™, but I don't care. I also know that I'm not telling the entire story and that on occasion I can Be A Lot and/or Take The Fuck Over. This generally happens when other people don't step up. But sometimes it happens depending on the character I'm playing compared to those that other people are playing. And who those people are. And where the game is.

Also also, if you have a problem with me, fucking bring it to me. And don't dance around or pussyfoot... fucking tell me. Either I will tell you to go fuck yourself or we'll work through it. But either way, you'll have a definitive answer from the horse's mouth.

Did I mention... In A Mood™.

Mostly though I just need to spit the dummy here right now so I don't actively spit it at other people later. Or at least I spit less of it later. Possibly spit it in a constructive and productive way. But that does depend entirely on whether the Certain People™ are the ones I think they are.

Speaking of moods.

Remember The Boy. And remember how I said in my end of year round up that The Boy now has A Girl. I technically met A Girl this week. I was 100% not ready for that. And I didn't even speak to her. I just saw her from the other side of a car window, assumed who she was and waved. No introductions happened, it was literally a wave and then nothing. Still wasn't ready.

Basically it boils down to the fact that I'm fine with the fact he has a girlfriend. I'm generally okay with hearing about said girlfriend, up to a point. Seeing that she's an actual human being that exists in the world is kind of where my brain fell down. It shouldn't have. And I shouldn't need a "run up" to actually meet her. She's not Schrödinger's Girlfriend... she exists, whether I pretend she doesn't or not.

Have I mentioned recently that I'm a garbage human?

Moving on... that was the week essentially.

Oh, it was also Shrove Tuesday this week... and I made pancakes... well, crepes... and I am so fucking out of practice. I mean they were edible and decent looking but still... very out of practice.

There wasn't a whole lot to today to be honest.

We did the supermarket thing this morning. And I'm predicting now that by about Tuesday afternoon I will be all out of ideas and items required for actual meals. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

We had a few things we needed to do in town before the Fringe show this afternoon (more on that later), including but not limited to dropping off more books at Oxfam (I sent back the ones I got in the last sale and mostly hated), spending the $10 voucher Typo sent me for my birthday (because I always need more spiral bound notebooks... I mean I totally don't need more... but they keep making new covers and I keep making new DnD characters), picking up the aforementioned printer ink and Ma totally failing to find net curtains that live up to her requirements.

After the show, we came back here, grabbed some lunch at the Village and then I sent Ma off home.

Current Mood:

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