
photo saturday: harbour blues

fort denisonkirribilli

rolling waveslady heron and opera house
This week has been the actual, literal definition of a heatwave...
a heatwave is defined as five consecutive days at or above 35 °C (95 °F), or three consecutive days at or over 40 °C (104 °F)
The five day version at least. So that can kiss my ass.

Thankfully I've mostly been able to hide within the airconditioning. Always a bonus.

There were only two DnD games this week... Monday night and Wednesday day. Everyone else from the Wednesday night game wussed out by about Tuesday so that didn't happen. And then everybody I may have given a crap about playing with on Thursday was either not available or getting ready for an event this Saturday, so no dice there either.

But again, hiding here with the aircon, so there was no bad.

Monday's game was the last in that particular sequence, so after a DM interlude from one of my players next week, we're going to be making it up as we go for the rest of the month. I mean I know what I'm running, it's just not part of a series.

Wednesday was the second half of the game I ran last week... I think everyone had fun. I may have been tap dancing without a net a little at the end... no, I definitely was... and they killed the bad guy entirely too quickly (fucking rogues... I mean don't get me wrong, I fucking love rogues... but also fuck rogues and their massive damage output... on an unrelated note, I need to start playing another rogue).

I did have to leave the house on Friday evening though, for a Fringe show... and clearly I didn't think that one through. A Friday night, during whatever the stupid fucking car race is called... yeah, I did like 4 laps of the block before I gave up and paid for parking.

Also thankfully the venue was airconditioned.

But that was essentially my week.

Today was nothing much of anything, because it was a) too fucking hot, b) the stupid car race in the city and c) part of an epidemic of fuck all of interest being on at the movies. But I did discover earlier in the day that my cheap-ass flat-ass canvas shoes were completely falling apart, so we decided on a trip to Target to find new ones. And that included a detour to somewhere we would never normally have gone (as in location, not the store), which also meant we discovered a "closer" (and those are some heavy inverted commas) cinema we didn't realise was there.

I think it may have been the one I was considering when I thought I was going to move out of North Adelaide the first time... so not the worst thing ever.

But, yeah... basically we poked around a couple of places looking at possible cheap furniture options for Ma (which I don't think we'll find, because I think she really wants the same thing I bought four years ago which no longer exists). So that's not at all a hopeless errand.

I did get new shoes though. And I like them better than the old ones, which is always a bonus.

That was really it though... we came back here, hung out in the aircon, then I sent Ma on her way to go see her friend who is visiting from interstate.

Thankfully the weather returns to something approaching normal tomorrow, or at least by early in the week.

Current Mood:

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