This week started off with cleaning, lots and lots of cleaning.
As I think I mentioned last week, this week was my rental inspection, so I spent all of Sunday morning getting the kitchen tidy and organising various other things... then Monday was cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming then mopping the floors.
If always takes way, way, way longer than it has any right to. Granted I was occasionally distracted by the movies I had on, and I also had to work up the effort to start mopping... plus while Sunday was super warm, Monday wasn't, so it took much longer for the floors to dry.
And as always, it doesn't matter how much or how little effort I seem to put in to cleaning for the inspection, I always get a check mark in the "good" box rather than the "excellent"... which is fine and I don't really care, but bitch I cleaned for you, how much is it to ask to go up a box?
I also cleared out for the couple of hours scheduled for the inspection and headed over to the library.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the best feeling is coming home after a rental inspection, knowing you have a perfectly clean and tidy house, but don't need to panic about keeping it perfect now that the inspection is over.
I did have an overwhelming desire to start going through things (starting with my books) and getting rid of anything that doesn't, to use the vernacular of the moment, "does not spark joy". We'll see if that happens or not, but I know that there are a whole bunch of books I really don't need anymore.
DnD was back to form this week, with four games.
I almost killed the whole party on Monday though... partly because it's been a while since I ran a Tier 1 game for them, but also because they got through the first combat really quickly and I just wanted to make it a little more challenging for them, but hadn't actually noticed the damage dice for the bad guys in the final combat. Thankfully half of them got sent away by one of the clerics, and so I could just handwave them away... but then one of the Level 1 characters went down while being attacked by an ooze... and took damage... and died.
Honestly I'm really not bothered by it... it was a character he'd thrown together in the 10 minutes before the adventure and he really had no attachment to it. I will get grief for that until the end of time however, which is fine.
Wednesday was back-to-back games again, with one of my Wednesday friends running a game for the first time. She did really well... a few nerves and uncertainty, but that will come with experience behind the screen.
Then Wednesday night was a reduced version of the usual crew... but we had a few nice moments, especially one between me and the "quiet" member of our group. I say quiet, because the rest of us are just loud, and he tends to be one of those people who doesn't say something unless he can make a positive/worthwhile contribution. I have a lot of time for him, and unsurprisingly my character has a lot of time for his. So when she told my halfling that he was "the heart of the group", I got a little choked up both in and out of character.
Now my boy just needs to believe in himself as much as she does and live up to that. Which is fantastic character motivation.
Thursday was something different... and I say that because I played with a table of people I normally don't play with. It was completely because the person DMing for them is someone I consider a fantastic DM, and I was willing to put up with a random group to be on his table. And while they were perhaps a little... "roleplay light", I had a good time.
And that pretty much filled out the week really.
Today was pretty good... not mindblowing perhaps, but good.
We started off with what felt like a ridiculously large shopping trip. I don't think it was as bad as it felt, but when I was cleaning I did realise that I was either running out or had run out of a number of things, so they had to be added to the list.
Then after shopping adventures were over we were headed to the movies but had a couple of hours to kill, so we stopped off at Target for a wander, then headed to the Wallis cinema at Mitcham... not somewhere we've been before, but somewhere we "discovered" the other week when we went looking for the closest Cheap as Chips store to me.
It's definitely one to keep on the back burner for times when we don't want to go further afield.
And the Foodland in the same complex also sells giant bags of popcorn for $4... so score!
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