
too many sneakers saturday shopping

sneaker boy
Today accidentally became about buying all the sneakers.

It started out fairly regularly, I got up, tidied the apartment, got ready, Ma arrived, we did the shopping... and I bought about a billion tons of vegetables so that I can make a gigantic stew tomorrow for lunch next week.

After the supermarket portion, we did a loop around Target and I finally got around to getting some new dress pants. I do wonder if I should have gotten the ones which were a thicker fabric, but we'll see how I go with these ones.

Then after we came back here, did the usual unpacking and decided on a quick trip to Arndale in search of a kettle. And of course, the order of the day was shiny and red... because red. And I've already tested it out this afternoon and it works pretty well.

There was also a brief detour to EB Games where I grabbed a couple more Adventure Time blind box tins... of course it turned out they they had a special deal on them, and I ended up with two for not that much more than the price of one. Also, I got a Finn and Jake to go with my Fionna and Cake (well, kind of, a Jake tin and Finn figure, whereas I have a Fionna tin, etc).

Anyway, by the time we were leaving Arndale it had started raining... but it was actually a pretty brief shower and by the time we got back to my place it had stopped.

We were going to call it a day there, but Ma realised she had a catalogue for Paul's Warehouse (of the shoes) in her bag, and very unhelpfully I then remembered that I'd seen an ad on TV last night for them and had though about heading over to see if they actually had stock in this time after the disaster of our last visit.

While I appreciate the whole "buy one, get one free" ethos of the place, it could seriously do with a serious bout of organisation. Like for example, I'd screw the whole "sorted by style" tables, and replace them with "sorted by size" which would be a lot more useful.

I'd rather look through one table full of the correct size than six different tables to try and find something in my size, especially because my size must either be a very popular or unpopular one, because there aren't really all that many to choose from.

Although I did end up with ten possible pairs to chose from... and that's not including the ones that were seriously too ugly to live.

all the shoes
What I did find was a new pair of my beloved red sneakers... yaaay! And then the grey and orange pair and the blue and grey pair... the slightly garish grey, red and yellow pair will be my morning walk pair, so they don't offend the general populace with their garishness.

Yes, it was excessive, but given that I got all four pairs for the same price that two full price pairs would have cost me, plus it means that it will be a while before I have to go back and look for more.

I also think I made the day of one of the wandering teenage boys employed by Paul's to wander around. I previously thought that they had to put a code on the shoeboxes so that you got the discount... but I realised what they're actually doing is putting their own code on their so that they get credited for the sale... which explains why, after we've had no actual assistance from them, they're always very happy to write the code on the boxes as we're heading to the checkout (and why they ask you if anybody helped you out I guess). But I think this particular wandering teen had only just rocked up for his shift and with my giant haul would have been something of a coup.

So that was it... although we did manage to kill about an hour all up... and Ma just dropped me off outside my apartment and went on her merry way since there wasn't any point for her to come all the way upstairs and then go all the way down again.

Current Mood:

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