
surgical strike saturday shopping

spacegirl shopper
Today was the shopping equivalent of a surgical strike... if a surgical strike leads to buying a whole bunch of stuff.

I wasn't exactly running late this morning, but I did have to tidy up the kitchen before I could get ready myself, since it was a bit of a disaster area. So as usually happens, I was headed downstairs just as Ma got here.

The supermarket safari was much the same as usual... although maybe slightly more random things than usual.

And while our regular checkout girly was working, she had a line up by the time we were done, so we hit the other checkout instead... and the checkout girl asked if we were the ones who made the Christmas chocolates... which was totally out of left field, but it turned out that she was the older sister of our regular girly. It is indeed a small world. Also, bag packing skills are clearly hereditary in that family, because Big Sis packs a mean bag of groceries too.

We had a bit of a wander around Target... I still didn't find new pants. Well, to be honest, I didn't really look because I couldn't really be bothered trying them on and I hadn't remembered to check what size the old ones are. I also wanted some new slip on shoes, but the ones they had were either boring or not in my size.

I did discover that they had a big teacup and saucer as well as a teapot in the same range as the crockery I bought last year, so I snapped them up... because it really is a big ass teacup and perfect for Sunday breakfast tea.

Then it was back here for the usual unpacking before we headed off to Haighs to see what their post-Easter discounts looked like. Not too bad as it happens... they weren't flush with broken Easter eggs, which is usually what I'm looking for at this time of year, but they did have a lot of broken Easter ducks and some of the dark chocolate honeycomb eggs. Plus it's marshmallow season at Haighs, which is always a drawcard.

From there it was off to the framing place to pick up both my framed Labyrinth 2 poster, the Joshua Smith flamenco dancer I got Ma for Christmas and a couple of other bits and pieces. The Labyrinth piece looks AMAZING. It is completely gigantic and I have absolutely no idea where the fuck I'm going to actually put the damn thing, but it was just too damn pretty to leave rolled up in the tube.

But it's decidedly the largest piece of artwork that I now own. And while I still think that the acid green colour would have been amazing, it looks fantastic with the black matt and the white frame.

Given that the car was now officially crammed full of chocolate and picture frames, we brought everything back here, before heading back out again.

Ma wanted to hit IKEA briefly for more frames... yes, we both have a serious problem... so we did the hit and run version of an IKEA trip... went in the exit, grabbed what we needed and then left. I also wanted some more Command hooks, and there's a new hardware store, Masters, that has opened next door to IKEA. Turns out that it's owned by Woolworths (or at least I was given some Woolies vouchers by the cute but dopey checkout boy) and essentially just like Bunnings, but blue and not green.

After a quick sausage sizzle break (because sausage sizzle), we then headed around to Harbourtown so I could look at the Bonds store and Ma could look at handbags (again). We actually got a car park right next to the entrance by the Bonds store and I did that while Ma went and looked at bags.

I came away with a striped knitted sweater, another pullover hoodie and a new pair of trackpants. And Ma found her bag. That was literally all we did... no detours, no additional little wanders. In and out, nice and clean.

So definitely a productive day.

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