Actually I think the rain woke me up this morning. Or it could have been hail... it's not like I got out of bed to check.
Ma was doing the haircut thing today, so once I got myself organised I headed off to the supermarket solo.
And as usual, when I'm shopping on my own it seems to take half the time of when I'm shopping with Ma. Not that there's a problem with taking longer, it's more just something I notice every time I go shopping solo.
I also headed into Target after I was finished at the supermarket in search of a new scarf... yes, I do have a box full of scarves currently... but I want something long, thick, soft and possibly red.
Wait, does that sound dirty? No, never mind...
I didn't find a scarf, however I did find a beanie that didn't look too bad which will come in handy in Melbourne. And it was on sale, which is always a bonus.
Ma turned up at my place not long after I got back and she brought along with her all of the rest of my books that had been taking up space in her spare room. It didn't take me too long to go through them all, mostly because I only kept a handful of them and the rest went back with Ma to be distributed however she sees fit.
Although there are a bag of books that I'm going to donate to the ACSA/GLCS Community Library.
Once I was done with the books I went though and pulled out the last of the VHS tapes from behind the DVDs while Ma went though the DVDs I'd already tagged as surplus to requirements to see if there was anything she wanted to rescue.
By the time we got all of that done and headed into the city it was just before noon.
Our only real destination for today was the Museum for the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize.
Even though I'm pretty sure that we've gone on the opening weekend for a number of years we usually (except for last year) go fairly early... however this time I think we hit just the wrong time and it was much more crowded than I usually like it.
Or maybe it was just that more of the people who were there were of the "Wanky Art Crowd"...
It felt like there was a lot of pieces this time around... or at the very last, the space felt somewhat more crowded. But whether that was from the people or the pieces I'm not sure.
There were definitely more pieces that appealed to my sense of aesthetics.
Amongst those were the pieces on the right... Cristina Metelli's The Fishbowl Effect, Nicholas Pike's Barn Owl, Andrew Hawley's Beggars Into Kings, Sam Vaughan's Diagram for Green Industry and Nadia Parkinson's Yellow-winged Locust Gastrimargus musicus.
Cristina's piece was definitely my favourite... big sparkly transparent wire goldfish... what's not to love. Which is why I nominated it as my favourite piece... but this time around there was also a prize for the piece that was the most scientific (or something, I can't remember exactly), and for me that was definitely Nadia's piece.
One of the things I did notice was, given that I've bought a lot of art in the last couple of years, that I actually looked at the prices of some of the pieces and there were a couple where I thought to myself "hmmmm... that's actually pretty reasonable". Not that I bought anything... but I thought about it.
After we'd done out usual cruise around all the pieces we had a wander up and down the Mall for a bit so I could have a poke around and look at some scarves. Still no joy... I may have to wait until Melbourne unless someone can recommend where I might get my hands on a really long, soft, thick scarf.
We stopped off at David Jones for a drink and a little something to eat, which turned out to be a little disappointing... my iced chocolate was okay, but nothing special... but the lime tart they had was just awful... I don't know what the texture was supposed to be, but it wasn't smooth at all, it was almost curdled... I totally didn't finish it.
As we were headed back to the car, I decided to take Ma on a little detour to show her the window from the end of my Blind Date... and although I'm pretty sure I was in exactly the right spot... there was no window. Nothing... not even a blank wall where a window had previously been. And I'm sure it was the right spot. Which just makes it generally weird and also a little bit magical since the spot has vanished like Brigadoon.
Current Mood:

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