It's been a very art/craft heavy, "annoying people all up in my face", "money running through my fingers" kind of day...
The morning all went according to plan and tradition and routine and whatnot...
Then once we were done with all of that we heading into the city of our biannual trip to Bowerbird Bazaar...
The only downside to it becoming more popular and more well known is that it gets harder and harder to find a parking space...
Somehow, even though there were the same number of stalls that there always are (or at least I think there were), it somehow seemed like there was less stuff somehow.
On the up side, there were a number of new stalls that we could explore. Of course that's between me wanting to kill everyone inside the place because everybody seemed to be trying their hardest to get in my (and everybody else's) way.
I absolutely fell in love with the bikes from Mrs Fairweather's Bicycle Emporium... not cheap, but beautiful and classic and if only I had room to store a bike, I could have been very, very tempted.
The two stalls where I really did have to keep coming back and eventually parted with cold, hard cash were Otto & Spike and Greg Mann (he doesn't have a website, but makes interesting things with old kitchen cutlery)...
The "Crosshatch" scarf is from Otto & Spike and the fork pendant is from Greg Mann.
I seemed to spend more money than the photo above would seem to indicate... I know I bought a couple of things from Greg's stall for Ma, and something for Tink's baby... three editions of Collect magazine... and the scarf from Otto & Spike wasn't cheap... but I'm not completely sure where all my money went... see my earlier point about this being a Saturday where money just slid through my fingers.
Anyway, after we'd been around and around about four times and stopped to get some lunch at the Red Door Bakery stall (their Pork and Sage Sausage Roll is very tasty), we called it quits.
I wanted to head over to the Paper String Plastic Gallery since Gary Seaman, Sam Evans and Dan Withey were having a group show...
Now I know I've already bought a piece of Gary Seaman's artwork... but there were these two pieces with little handpainted Dunny figures on them... and they weren't that expensive... and it would of been a shame to split them up...
So I bought them both...
But in all the excitement I forgot to take any pictures of them, so that will have to wait a couple of weeks until I go and pick them up.
I can't help it... this working thing makes me feel all "patron of the arts"-ey... and it's kinda addictive.
That was about it really... I bought some stuff, saw some stuff, bought some more stuff and was quite annoyed with a large number of members of the general public.
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