Whether it's because I threw in the towel this week and chose sleep over my daily walk, I dunno... but even my brain is a little bit broken...
Anyway... usual start to the day, up earlyish, tidied the apartment somewhat, got ready and when Ma got here we went off to to the supermarket thing.
Blah, blah blah... got some meat for the BBQ tomorrow (I never know what to buy or how much, so we'll see how that all works out)... and some bread, because since the days of Sunday Dinner I have been the Bringer of The Bread...
On the way back we dropped into Officeworks so I could pick up some new ink for my printer before I tackle the 2011 calendar... now this is the first time I've had to buy ink since I bought the printer (yeah, 18 months and I'm only now and I nearly out of ink... obviously I'm getting lots of use out of it).
$124... seriously... that's just insane. Yes, I bought it all in one big pack, and yes it came with an extra black cartridge, and yes, my printer takes 6 cartridges total... but that's a big chunk of change...
Since our timetable leading up to Christmas doesn't allow for a lot of wiggleroom, we decided that heading up to Marion was a good plan, try and knock as much Christmas shopping on the head as humanly possible.
We did just that too... in between dodging far too many members of the cosplay community who were there for Gametraders 3rd Birthday... now, I appreciate the dedication, and the effort they often go to to create these costumes... especially in one particular case, with the young gentleman who was wearing a costume that displayed his whole belly... but another part of me just goes "tragic nerdy white folks dressing up like fictional Asian people... WTF?!"
But like I said, we managed to get a few things to round out Ma's Christmas shopping list (and something for Miss Oh Livia from me), even if that did mean a lot of standing around looking at children's picture books in two different stores until she made up her mind.
After we stopped off for some lunch we called it quits, but dropped into the North Adelaide Village on the way back so that we could pick up some "fancy" items for Ma to use for goody baskets. Fortunately we bought stuff for more than one basket, because $145 later...
But there were some nice gourmet items, and all of it Australian made (and a large proportion of that was South Australian)... and thankfully I wasn't paying for it.
So that's about it for today...
Current Mood:

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