Turns out that I took 1628 photos... and 10 videos... not to mention the photos I took with my iPhone...
It was a very photo-heavy trip... my previous record was 858... and I think I shot both the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge from every conceivable angle (except from the other side... have to keep something for next time)!
The only downside with that many photos is the length of time it takes to go through them all and edit them and make up montages... in fact it ate up all of Saturday afternoon...
But here they are... my thoughts on SydneyTrip2010...
- Day One - The Arrival
- Day Two - A Grand Day Out
- Day Three - Sculpture By The Sea
- Day Four - Botanical Gardens
- Day Five - The Departure
I also Twittered a lot more on this trip than the last Melbourne one... and anybody who follows my Twitter feed would notice that I was using the #SydneyTrip2010 hashtag so that I could take a look back at my thoughts over the five days.
There were a lot of times when I just didn't have time to tweet anything, and it's not exactly Oscar Wilde but the timeline is interesting (and it stops it all being lost in the ether)...
Okay, so Stage 1 of my packing is done... #sydneytrip2010
My nervous anticipation has kinda just turned into nerves... I kinda wanna throw up a little bit... #SydneyTrip2010
Aaaaand we're on the plane! #SydneyTrip2010
Aaaaand we're in Sydney! And I didn't even get airsick! #SydneyTrip2010
Turns out the hotel is a little better than I expected. And if I stand in just the right spot I can see the Bridge! #just #SydneyTrip2010
My hotel room #SydneyTrip2010 http://instagr.am/p/Hn5t/
Kinokuniya is awesome and QVB rocks! #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/32v8np
So many wireless networks... So many unsecured connections... #SydneyTrip2010
I think that was a ferry honking it's horn... Scared the living daylights out of me! #honk #SydneyTrip2010
Wow... That's some awesome sounding Sydney rain! #SydneyTrip2010
My body is making it's displeasure know about me not drinking enough water today! #SydneyTrip2010
Urgh... Soft hotel beds suck! Horrible night's sleep! #SydneyTrip2010
Having breakfast at Bar Fredo thanks to @Kathblue's recommendation... The waitress is adorable! #SydneyTrip2010
Awesome breakfast! #barfredo #SydneyTrip2010
Enjoying the wildlife at the Chinese Gardens! #darlingharbour #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/333mcz http://twitpic.com/333md6
We left the hotel around 8:30 and just walked in the door again at 4:15... It's been a Grand Day Out! #SydneyTrip2010
Hopefully it will now rain all over the fuckers singing at the Melbourne Crap function downstairs #softcockrock #SydneyTrip2010
Sunset dinner at harbourside, followed by photographing the Bridge and chocolate at Guylian. Life is good! #SydneyTrip2010
Off to Bondi today! We would have been off about now but I forgot to charge my camera last night! #facepalm #SydneyTrip2010
Sitting in the sun by the water eating French pastries from The Rocks... Le sigh! Kinda worth not charging my camera. #SydneyTrip2010
This is my #WorkWed #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/33cfkb
There was sea. There were sculptures. And lots of people! #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/33f92f
Bondi, your mostly naked, tanned and tattooed men I approve of wholeheartedly! #SydneyTrip2010
I have sunburn, possible heatstroke and sand in my shoes! #greatday #SydneyTrip2010
Why did my hotel room have to next to the one with the occasionally squalling child... I get enough of that at home! #SydneyTrip2010
I just realised that sitting on the couch with my curtains open I can see hotel rooms in the Marriott with open curtains! #SydneyTrip2010
Bondi Beach #SydneyTrip2010 http://instagr.am/p/JF6M/
Damn... I'm sunburned like a muthafukka! The one day with real sunshine and we decided to go to Bondi... #wearahatkids #SydneyTrip2010
I filled a 4GB memory card with photos... #newpersonalbest #SydneyTrip2010
Sometimes it's just nice to sit and watch the rain #SydneyTrip2010 http://instagr.am/p/JVzy/
I just discovered the squashed patty of butter from the plane ride on Monday in the bottom of my bag... #greasy #SydneyTrip2010
Moving 1,397 items (3.70 GB) from Canon to Beast... Holy frijoles! #SydneyTrip2010
Remains of a very tasty & satisfying dinner at Wagamama. Totally recommend their side dishes! #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/33sd3y
Okay, so I'm packed... Everything but my new shoes (the box won't fit)... Why do I bring so much crap with me? #SydneyTrip2010
Views from my hotel room... #SydneyTrip2010 http://twitpic.com/33wdjm http://twitpic.com/33wdj3
And true to form Sydney, it's raining on our last morning in you... #SydneyTrip2010
Playing Angry Birds on an iPad in the Temple of Shiny! #applestoresydney #SydneyTrip2010 #mmmmshiny http://twitpic.com/33xf7p
Waiting for the car to the airport is always the suckiest part! #late #SydneyTrip2010
Hello Very Large Qantas plane! I am in you! #SydneyTrip2010
And we're home... Well not home home, standing at the baggage carousel waiting for luggage! #Adelaide #SydneyTrip2010
Hello little house! Hello little bed! And that's the end of that story! #SydneyTrip2010
Current Mood:

Gorgeous collection of photos - makes me want to hop on a plane right now...
Nice posts and photos from Sydney. Sorry about the Melbourne-style weather we gave you (I guess it had to happen when we got Melbourne-style bars). Glad you had a good time, and maybe see you next visit.
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