
towers on blue

church tower gothic tilt
At some point I'm going to make Ma a calendar that consists solely of stuff photographed against blue sky... clear blue sky, cloudy blue sky, whatever... but I'm pretty sure I could make her a "Picture of the Day" calendar and still have blue sky photos left over...

I'm pretty sure the shot on the right is from Melbourne, but don't quote me...

Filed under Ramblings, General:
  • Went to see Scott Pilgrim for the second time last night... this time with Ma (since I wasn't sure whether it would be "her sort of movie"... but she liked it). It's still awesome!

  • There were a bunch of things I intended to do at work today, most of which got shunted to one side due to yet more issues with our CMS. Grrrrrrrr... This is why we never get to be "proactive" about things, we're too busy putting out all these stupid pointless fires in our crappy CMS.

  • On my walk this morning I started thinking about my digital footprint... okay technically I started thinking about death, which made me think about my digital footprint and it's size and what the hell happens to it when I do shuffle off this mortal coil... but I think that's a post for another time (the digital footprint thing, not the thinking about death thing)...

  • It turns out that I could get the Tim Burton Exhibition Catalogue here in Adelaide for the same price that it would have cost me to order it from the ACMI, including postage and handling... and it's not like they have a proper ordering system at the ACMI, it has to be done by mail, phone or fax... I say *pfffffffft* to that!

  • Of course once I ranted about that on Twitter I got a very pleasant reply from somebody at ACMI thanking me for my feedback which then made me feel like a tool...

  • I'm having oven baked fish with roasted tomatoes (and stuff) for dinner, I better get cracking!
Current Mood:

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