
photo friday: hindley architecture

hindley street architectureAs usual for a Friday... a random collection of thoughts passing through my brain...

A very odd week this week... between a farewell lunch on Tuesday, the Creative Commons Roadshow on Wednesday and a workshop on Thursday I didn't manage to get out and have a proper lunchbreak until today...

The Creative Commons Roadshow was equal parts interesting and dull... interesting because I learned about a bunch of stuff to do with Creative Commons I didn't know including a number of case studies... like Cory Doctorow who produced the first ever novel available under a CC licence (I've already downloaded it, now I just need to get around to reading it) and Sita Sings The Blues an example of "open source cinema" (I'm planning on downloading that sometime over the weekend). The dull parts were more "business orientated" or just slightly repetitive of things that had already been covered.

Still, beats working...

Speaking of which, can I just say, I hate surveys... or more specifically, I hate surveys where I have to go through and aggregate the answers manually into a spreadsheet and drop all their slightly odd comments into a document... in fact that's pretty much ALL I did today with a couple of small exceptions... thankfully the survey closed today...

Oddly, aggregate has kind of become one of my words of the week... That and "numpty", although I have no idea where the hell I picked up... but it's a good all purpose non-swear word which you can imbue with the same vehemence as actual profanity.

I like words like that...

I need to have a closer look at the guide, but I'm very disappointed by the selection for this year's Feast Festival...

Current Mood:

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