photo saturday: poisoned apple

hemlock - poisoner, noble, alchemist

There have been three times where I've created a DnD character with the noble background, and, honestly, somehow they all kinda ended up being assholes. In varying degrees anyway.

I mean, I can't say for certain with Hemlock... since he's this week's Artificer DnD Character Colouring Book entry... but, honestly, the more I started to build him in my head, the more of an asshole he seemed.

Or at least a problematic yet lovable asshole. In my head if nobody else.

I mean, that's what happens when you combine a noble background, the alchemist subclass and the poisoner feat. And then give them an outfit in black leather and my favourite colour of acid green. Plus a homunculus made from a potion bottle (well, once he's able to make one anyway).

I'll be honest, I think he's probably in second place behind last week's Battlesmith.

His backstory details will really depend on the game we're actually playing and where we start out... but it would be a different vibe than any of the others. But he's from Waterdeep, and I actually picked a name from a list of Waterdavian noble families, one of the ones that is very light on details to give me all the leeway I want.


I think we're kind done with soup season, which is sad, because it's so much easier than the alternative. But this week I made a big old pot of bolognese pasta sauce which was totally just me making shit up. But it was actually pretty tasty and simmered for like three hours.

I basically lost all of Tuesday because Ma dropped her car in for a service, and rather than her plan, which was to just sit in the dealership for what would have turned out to be six hours, I went and picked her up, we went to breakfast, wandered around the bookstore on the Parade and then came back here and... basically sat around for like five hours essentially. But it was better than her just hanging around on her own.

Thursday night DnD actually existed... which was an improvement on the last two weeks where there was none.

And my character fell face first into elements of his backstory, and, honestly, not mad about it. Because I did tell DM Fluffy that basically he's Fate's bitch... but it's interesting, initially I thought that meant that he would do things that he was fated to do without complaint. No, because that's so not him (or me), he will absolutely object to the things fate has in store, but at the end of the day does them anyway. I mean, right now it seems like his overall vibe is just headbutting elements of fate without realising what he's doing, which is also fun.

I also very much had to tell the rest of the party off (in character) for wanting to stick their noses in his business. Will Dax do that when other people's backstories pop up, oh absolutely, but this is the first instance of that we've really had, so everyone kind of just got very over excited.

Friday was Chiro Day... so, the usual journey into town, complete with Wandering About and Looking At Things.

Then Friday Night DnD was very good. I got to spring some things on the party that I've been waiting to do for a while, but otherwise it was mostly one of those "mopping up loose ends and having big conversations" kind of sessions. I also got to leave them on a cliffhanger (and also they levelled up)... and I love that shit.

Plus I didn't have to drive Fluffy home, as he drove himself to my place... so bonuses all around.


Today was... not much of anything really.

We did the supermarket thing, and then we did an errand that resulted in a big fat nothing and basically did a wander and called the whole thing a day. So, yeah, nothing to report really.

Current mood:

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