But here we have my two wizard characters for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book.
Firstly Lady Ovelia Opalfist was my first... and totally not optimised. I did very much enjoy her though. I always described her by saying "if dwarves had supermodels, she'd be one". Sadly she did at the hands, or possibly that should be the eyestalk of a zombie beholder... disintegrate eye for the win. She might have survived had one of the party not set off a lightning trap about five minutes before, leading to her having about 40 less hitpoints. So when the damage hit, she was a small pile of ash and some random magic items including the Bag of Tricks, one of my favourite.
When I discovered that a wizard's spellbook doesn't count as a magic item so it can be destroyed, and if it is, the wizard only remembers the spells that they prepared that day and have to start again from that basis, I said "fuck that for a game of dice" and decided not to get her resurrected, and just quietly retired her.
I've tried to make a HeroForge model for her a number of times, but I was never completely happy with most of them... there just aren't anywhere near enough options for female costumes, but once the high heeled shoes dropped a little while back, I had another go at it, and I don't half mind this version.
The Morning Star was my desire to go completely the other way and was my first (and to this point, only) full elf character (well, surface elf anyway). He comes along with a ridiculously crappy French accent, and while many of my characters are verbose, he takes the cake even within the Venn diagram. He was also the first design I did where I really properly played around with patterns, something I've done a ton of since then.
His familiar is supposed to be a barn owl, but there's only one owl model in HeroForge... I do like the colouring job on the owl though. Made with real barn owl photo.
*extended two hour pause while I go for a nap*
This week I made chilli... perhaps not as spicy as I've made it in the past, I only had a couple of packets of chilli powder, but as always I made a lot of it... and then had it with either rice or potato or corn chips (or some combination of same) for the rest of the week.
Wednesday's DnD game was decent... nothing special honestly. I recommended these adventures to the DM, because they were a series that went across Tier 1 and Tier 2, but it turns out they're not as good as we may have wanted them to be. But then, really, what DnD non-hardcover adventures are.
I also got a call on Wednesday, the call I've been waiting for since the end of May when the tradie finally rocked up to look at my oven (after I submitted the job at the start of May). The parts were now finally in to fix my oven door. The tradie was on his way (on Friday).
And Friday afternoon, he showed up with his little offsider and the two of them took the door off the oven, replaced the seal, split the door in halves and added the new hinge (or hinges, I'm not completely sure). They were here for a total of about 15 minutes and left me with a fully functional oven.
*picture the "It's been 84 years" gif*
Actually it was 126 days. But it felt like longer. Probably because with one thing and another, it's been almost six months since I last made bread for Friday night's DnD.
And yes, you know that I had already made bread dough before the oven got fixed (and if things had gone wrong I would have just taken the dough with us and cooked it there). It wasn't perhaps my best dough, not quite enough water so the dough was a little stiff, but tasty none the less.
As a consequence, everyone at Friday DnD was very happy to have bread back on the menu.
The Friday game was pretty good... my bard got to put on a performance, which is always good. But then we got into the proverbial unmarked van in the parking lot. So who the hell knows what will happen next week. I have a theory about what's going on, but I don't know if I'm right or not. Time will tell.
Today was nothing special.
We did the supermarket thing, neither of us bought a lot of stuff... I'm intending to make tuna mornay, because oven. And because I'm been wanting to make it for weeks now.
And then we came back here, I did the unpacking thing, we did the YubTubs thing... and then I made sausage rolls. Because Ma had said that she wanted me to make them for her birthday back in June, and neither of us thought that my oven would be out of commission for four months. And they're a faff to make, so it's always good when other people make them for you.
So I did all the things, and once again thanked the culinary gods for providing me with an oven that allows me to put 36 sausage rolls in all at once. However I did make the mistake of putting the leftover pastry in on a separate tray under the main tray. This had the effect of pulling a lot of the heat away from the big tray, so they didn't cook as well as they might have otherwise done. It meant that I had to end up putting them back in the oven for another fifteen minutes. Which was, once again, a bit of a faff, but honestly, worth it.
I mean they're all gone now... because I sent Ma home with half of them and I had what was left for dinner.
Current mood:
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